Sunday night we went to dinner with my friends Angelica and Johnny. We asked if they would mind going to Athenian Garden, a restaurant near our house that was less than 10 miles (and thus, we would bike it).
The ride was nice actually. We went through neighborhoods and avoided main roads except when we needed to cross Starkey and Belcher to get to the restaurant.
The Greek food here is ok. We've been to the one closer to Tyrone Mall and [men]. But this new one was a lot more fancy looking in the inside and the food quality seemed to be a lot better.
They also had bike racks, which we thought was pretty nice (and not one, but two).
Total Miles: 6.03 (perfect little ride for a Sunday)
It would not be at all strange if history came to the conclusion that the perfection of the bicycle was the greatest incident of the nineteenth century. ~Author Unknown
Monday, January 26, 2009
Last Week = FREEZING (aka obstacle)
So last week.
Monday I rode in, no big deal.
Tuesday is the usual drive to work since I have a dance lesson on my lunch.
Wednesday, was COLD.
Temperature dropped here in the Tampa, Florida area to around 20 degrees at night...37 by the time I woke up to get ready for work.
It stayed that way for each day afterward.
Thursday morning, there was even FROST on my windshield I had to scrape off with my work security badge!!
So yes, I drove..everyday except one.
High 40's and 50's...I can do no problem. But when it gets past 45 degrees outside. OUCH!
Plus all the bundling up I have to do just to get to work and unbundle and then rebundle in warm work clothes.
The Hibernation Factor also kicks in as well for this. I would much rather stay in my WARM bed, than get up early, get ready etc.
So - off the wagon for a week. No biggie.
Started back yesterday and will be riding for the rest of the week except Tuesday (as usual).
I will admit though, I need to get over this 'too cold' stuff. Especially if I plan on moving to Portland. Get this, it was WARMER IN PORTLAND LAST WEEK THAN IT WAS HERE IN FLORIDA!!
I'm not sure if we'll have another cold freeze like that again (we usually get one in January/Feb and then we slowly warm up after that for the year), but if we do, I need to try and figure out how to get the WILLPOWER to make myself get up and ride and get used to it. I need the exercise AND need to build up the immunity to it.
This week, starting Wednesday afternoon, I will be cat-sitting for a friend who lives near my work. Gotta check out the maps to figure out a 'safe' way to ride to her house after work so that I can incorporate the ride and get more more miles in as well.
Monday I rode in, no big deal.
Tuesday is the usual drive to work since I have a dance lesson on my lunch.
Wednesday, was COLD.
Temperature dropped here in the Tampa, Florida area to around 20 degrees at night...37 by the time I woke up to get ready for work.
It stayed that way for each day afterward.
Thursday morning, there was even FROST on my windshield I had to scrape off with my work security badge!!
So yes, I drove..everyday except one.
High 40's and 50's...I can do no problem. But when it gets past 45 degrees outside. OUCH!
Plus all the bundling up I have to do just to get to work and unbundle and then rebundle in warm work clothes.
The Hibernation Factor also kicks in as well for this. I would much rather stay in my WARM bed, than get up early, get ready etc.
So - off the wagon for a week. No biggie.
Started back yesterday and will be riding for the rest of the week except Tuesday (as usual).
I will admit though, I need to get over this 'too cold' stuff. Especially if I plan on moving to Portland. Get this, it was WARMER IN PORTLAND LAST WEEK THAN IT WAS HERE IN FLORIDA!!
I'm not sure if we'll have another cold freeze like that again (we usually get one in January/Feb and then we slowly warm up after that for the year), but if we do, I need to try and figure out how to get the WILLPOWER to make myself get up and ride and get used to it. I need the exercise AND need to build up the immunity to it.
This week, starting Wednesday afternoon, I will be cat-sitting for a friend who lives near my work. Gotta check out the maps to figure out a 'safe' way to ride to her house after work so that I can incorporate the ride and get more more miles in as well.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I entered this today...

Don't know if I'll win or not, but still It'd be pretty cool if I did:
You have a voice. We want to hear it.
Tell us why you should become one of the next five Women Who Ride representatives.
It’s time to select five new Women Who Ride to represent the Trek Women community. As one of the Women Who Ride, you’ll have fun, you’ll inspire, you’ll learn, and you'll change lives. And who knows, the life you change just might be your own.*
Learn More And Enter At
Friday, January 9, 2009
Weekend Post and Plans
Biking this week has been wonderful. I will admit that I did not ride to work all four days (Crapped out yesterday), but that's ok, as that only means I will add those miles to tomorrow's ride, making for a nice 30 mile ride tomorrow morning. I WILL get up early and get those miles out of the way too :-).
Sunday will be a 10 mile ride.
Monday is off, as I have my ballroom dance lesson at lunch and will for the rest of the year.
Got to also try some new gear today. My sweet new all finger gloves and my windbreaker. Having a windbreaker OMG makes you so much warmer not having that wind cut into you. Awesome and great.
I've also been using the handlebar bag to store things and THAT is helpful as well. That is definitely a bag I don't think Dimitrios is going to get back at this rate.
Sticking to this schedule, with the weather, doesn't seem to be a problem thus far. And I like the fact that I'm keeping my current weight, if not loosing more.
Sunday will be a 10 mile ride.
Monday is off, as I have my ballroom dance lesson at lunch and will for the rest of the year.
Got to also try some new gear today. My sweet new all finger gloves and my windbreaker. Having a windbreaker OMG makes you so much warmer not having that wind cut into you. Awesome and great.
I've also been using the handlebar bag to store things and THAT is helpful as well. That is definitely a bag I don't think Dimitrios is going to get back at this rate.
Sticking to this schedule, with the weather, doesn't seem to be a problem thus far. And I like the fact that I'm keeping my current weight, if not loosing more.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Day off for the week so a recap
Rode into work two days this week. Today is a drive day as there is a 60% chance of rain and I also have lunch plans.
Tomorrow and Friday will be two more ride into work days.
I'll admit - it's been hard keeping up this regime. It's been three days straight of riding, and yesterday morning I *ALMOST* didn't make it.
But my new 'placing the bicycle right in front of the door' before I leave every morning has also helped motivate me to ride in.
By the end of this week I'll have accomplished 90 miles on the bike.
Next week, off day = Monday for my ballroom dance class. And I'll make those miles up the following Saturday :-)
Oh, and it's been THREE weeks since I have filled my car up with gas. And I still have half a tank. Awesome.
Tomorrow and Friday will be two more ride into work days.
I'll admit - it's been hard keeping up this regime. It's been three days straight of riding, and yesterday morning I *ALMOST* didn't make it.
But my new 'placing the bicycle right in front of the door' before I leave every morning has also helped motivate me to ride in.
By the end of this week I'll have accomplished 90 miles on the bike.
Next week, off day = Monday for my ballroom dance class. And I'll make those miles up the following Saturday :-)
Oh, and it's been THREE weeks since I have filled my car up with gas. And I still have half a tank. Awesome.
Monday, January 5, 2009
20 miles = Beach Ride on Sunday
As I didn't ride on Saturday, I made up my 10 miles that day by going to the beach with Dimitrios and his friends from Portland. 10 miles each way = make up for Saturday and my 10 miles for Sunday achieved.
It was a 'commute' ride so I rode the Miyata. She looks quite sassy with her Christmas Gear on her might I add (rack, fenders, etc). I shall put a photo up soon enough.
The day was nice on Madiera Beach and we enjoyed throwing the football around and getting a little sun. Only down fall for the day was that we left a little later than we expected to and had no headlights, so half of our ride home we did on sidewalks so as not to inhibit drivers since they wouldn't be able to see us.
Total mileage = 20 miles.
Fatigue Ration = Not that bad. Me and the Wind are still enemies (it makes me fall behind a bit more at this point), but that will dissapate the more I ride in it and get acclamated to it. Keeping hydrated on the ride there was no problem and eating a sub when we got there helped with the hunger.
It was a 'commute' ride so I rode the Miyata. She looks quite sassy with her Christmas Gear on her might I add (rack, fenders, etc). I shall put a photo up soon enough.
The day was nice on Madiera Beach and we enjoyed throwing the football around and getting a little sun. Only down fall for the day was that we left a little later than we expected to and had no headlights, so half of our ride home we did on sidewalks so as not to inhibit drivers since they wouldn't be able to see us.
Total mileage = 20 miles.
Fatigue Ration = Not that bad. Me and the Wind are still enemies (it makes me fall behind a bit more at this point), but that will dissapate the more I ride in it and get acclamated to it. Keeping hydrated on the ride there was no problem and eating a sub when we got there helped with the hunger.
Friday, January 2, 2009
2009, First Ride - San Antonio, Florida - 40 miles
I had slacked this week with the riding. Today I made up for it.
Dimitrios and I went on a 40 mile ride in San Antonio, Florida. Yes, a town in Florida exists as well as in Texas. It's about an hour away on I-75. It's small and very rural and has THE MOST F**K**G HILLS I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH ON A RIDE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
Which made it cool, and also made it the DEATH of me.
The cool thing? Going downhill on a rural road where only orange trees are on both sides of you, continuing to pedal, which in turn, makes your speed go up to 38mph (yes, you read that right...38 MILES PER HOUR). Not only does the pedaling make you go faster, but you also gain enough speed to kind of propel yourself forward on the next upcoming hill and then the hike up that beast is not as bad.
The bad?? Hill after hill after hill that will knock you down to 8 miles an hour and make you feel like your lungs are going to fall out of your chest. No matter how slow you go, that incline just wants to destroy you.
I did good with hydrating and wasn't really fatigued until about halfway into it, then it was my foot's fault (so to speak) cycling shoes are new and with the socks I had on, the seams rubbed my big toe til I had to pull over and twist the sock around for it to not run. That also happened with my mountain cycling shoes and after a few wears, they stopped doing that/got broke in. I also got some shoulder and neck fatigue, but that's usual for me as I scrunch up on the bike when I shouldn't. But no dehydration, no starvation (Cliff Bars to take a bite out of while riding every 30 minutes and drinking water every 15minutes mixed with a sports drink). I think I finally found my 'fit' on the bike AND my regime to stay in the game.
Dimitrios helps too. There were a couple of times on those blasted HILLS where I would have just stopped if I was on my own and sat down and threw in the towel. With him there goading me on....really did help.
We started at 12pm and ended at 4pm. Awesome day.
I took the camera, but I didn't get any photos as I was too busy RIDING. my point-n-click is just too heavy for me to wear in my jersey pocket on my back. Gotta maybe get a handlebar bag like D had so I can just grab it when necessary and toss it back in there. Putting it in the saddlebag, doesn't quite work as well.
I think we're going to do this ride once a month so that my stamina on hills gets better, and continue to add miles to it each month like I had planned. By the end of the year, I should be putting in about 750 miles in just training rides (IF I stick with the plan that is). And with my 40 a week (10 miles a day) for every week....that will be 2080 miles in that. Granted, I'm sure the Florida summers are going to mess those numbers up (RAIN), but that's the goal anyways.
On the way home, we stopped in Tarpon for Greek food, a small walk (as that's all my legs could take) and home to shower and collapse on the couch.
The 40 miles made up for four days of slacking. Tomorrow I will do 20 and then be caught up to have an 'off' day on Sunday OR ride 10 miles...however I choose.
Now, to the couch. I still need to post a lot more, but my hour of being on the computer for the day is done (sticking to only two hours a day on the days I'm NOT at work).
Happy New Year's everyone!
Dimitrios and I went on a 40 mile ride in San Antonio, Florida. Yes, a town in Florida exists as well as in Texas. It's about an hour away on I-75. It's small and very rural and has THE MOST F**K**G HILLS I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH ON A RIDE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
Which made it cool, and also made it the DEATH of me.
The cool thing? Going downhill on a rural road where only orange trees are on both sides of you, continuing to pedal, which in turn, makes your speed go up to 38mph (yes, you read that right...38 MILES PER HOUR). Not only does the pedaling make you go faster, but you also gain enough speed to kind of propel yourself forward on the next upcoming hill and then the hike up that beast is not as bad.
The bad?? Hill after hill after hill that will knock you down to 8 miles an hour and make you feel like your lungs are going to fall out of your chest. No matter how slow you go, that incline just wants to destroy you.
I did good with hydrating and wasn't really fatigued until about halfway into it, then it was my foot's fault (so to speak) cycling shoes are new and with the socks I had on, the seams rubbed my big toe til I had to pull over and twist the sock around for it to not run. That also happened with my mountain cycling shoes and after a few wears, they stopped doing that/got broke in. I also got some shoulder and neck fatigue, but that's usual for me as I scrunch up on the bike when I shouldn't. But no dehydration, no starvation (Cliff Bars to take a bite out of while riding every 30 minutes and drinking water every 15minutes mixed with a sports drink). I think I finally found my 'fit' on the bike AND my regime to stay in the game.
Dimitrios helps too. There were a couple of times on those blasted HILLS where I would have just stopped if I was on my own and sat down and threw in the towel. With him there goading me on....really did help.
We started at 12pm and ended at 4pm. Awesome day.
I took the camera, but I didn't get any photos as I was too busy RIDING. my point-n-click is just too heavy for me to wear in my jersey pocket on my back. Gotta maybe get a handlebar bag like D had so I can just grab it when necessary and toss it back in there. Putting it in the saddlebag, doesn't quite work as well.
I think we're going to do this ride once a month so that my stamina on hills gets better, and continue to add miles to it each month like I had planned. By the end of the year, I should be putting in about 750 miles in just training rides (IF I stick with the plan that is). And with my 40 a week (10 miles a day) for every week....that will be 2080 miles in that. Granted, I'm sure the Florida summers are going to mess those numbers up (RAIN), but that's the goal anyways.
On the way home, we stopped in Tarpon for Greek food, a small walk (as that's all my legs could take) and home to shower and collapse on the couch.
The 40 miles made up for four days of slacking. Tomorrow I will do 20 and then be caught up to have an 'off' day on Sunday OR ride 10 miles...however I choose.
Now, to the couch. I still need to post a lot more, but my hour of being on the computer for the day is done (sticking to only two hours a day on the days I'm NOT at work).
Happy New Year's everyone!
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