If none/any of you have nothing to do on Saturday - FloridaCycling is having Criterion Races on Saturday all day starting from 8pm - 6pm. Dimitrios
WILL BE RACING AND WILL BE IN THE CAT 5 Category. I know we're going to get there early to hang out, oogle bikes and watch some of the Pro Categories so text me if you like and I'll let you know what time we're heading out to Tampa. We'd love to have you.
Here's more details on it if you like...D's race starts at 5, but we'll be there earlier.
In other news on Cycling...I'm doing it!!
Well, ok, I know you guys KNOW that I'm cycling, but with the weather over the past two months going from nice to FRIGID...I wasn't doing it NEARLY as much as I would have liked (yes, I'm a pussy). But this week is the THIRD WEEK IN A ROW that I have ridden my bike to work 3 days a week (Wednesday-Friday)!! I've even found a new route to go that makes me NOT have to go home on East Bay at all (unfortunately I can't use it in the mornings as the road is a ONE WAY / from McMullen Booth, but still)..it's made the right a LOT more enjoyable in the mornings and I I think even shaved off some time since I no longer have to follow/weave around like East Bay does.
I've also started riding on Sunday mornings super early. That's 'MY' ride time (Dimitrios does his on Saturdays, but I like being able to go out on my own on Sundays and do my thing). This month I'm only doing about 20-30 miles each Sunday, and then I'll increase it to 10 next month.
I'm also looking at joining the group ride that Dimtirios goes on Tuesday nights. I'm still chickenshit about this group ride thing. Why?! Insecurities mostly ...and the fact that ..unlike the rest of the group cyclist I WON'T run a red light when the group is going through it (Dimitrios has told me that cyclists do this a lot just so that the group won't get split...but see...I think that's DUMB because if you're on the street -
YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD. Him and I both agree with this. He says that he has stopped before while with the group and while passing him they all stare at him like he's nuts, but he doesn't care. He refuses to become THAT BICYCLE GUY that doesn't follow the rules of the road. And I personally don't blame him one damn bit as I would be the same.
But his said this new group that he's found to ride with on Tuesday nights are nicer and they have a girl's group. So when/if my study schedule CALMS THE HELL DOWN (grrr) then I think I will suck it up and go with him and see what it's like.
We also got this book from the Paperback Swap web-site that I'm a part of we've heard NOTHING BUT GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS BOOK and how it's got all sorts of training ideas, tips and techniques. If I follow this book and the book regime..who knows, maybe by my birthday
*I'll* be doing races as well!!
And lastly, if anyone is interested in seeing Dimitrios's race results for the two crits he was already in:
They are here
and here
http://floridacycling.com/results/ResultsViewer.asp?popup=&view=83&cat=725&eVclass=737He's motivating me to race, that's for sure
(sidenote: His photos are in my flickr account. Ask if you would like more details on how to get to them :-)).
My minimum speed is picking up. When I started, i was all puny like - down to 12-15 mph was fast to me. Now? My warm-up speed is about 15mph and my kick it into high gear is up to 19-20mph. I'm quite impressed with this :-). Maybe with the training stuff I'll be able to catch up to Dimitrios and be at 25mph in no time!!