Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bike Ride = Sweat Ride in Tampa Bay this time of year

Rode the bike into work.
Rode last week as well, but the heat is making me (and the Greek) pretty lethargic lately.
I haven't done the group ride in forever, I need to ...I miss it and the Ladies.
Work and school have pretty much consumed me.
Work is lessening and school is a new quarter this week, so I'm trying to get back in the swing of things.
Got this book via the paperbackswap . I'm hoping it will give me some ideas on how or what to do to make cycling more of interest to me in this time crunched time of my life. Six hours a week isn't much, but I think I can focus on that and incorporate my daily commute into the plan. I hope anyways.
The Tour is over as well. Yes we were watching it. Dimitrios and I miss it already. There's NOTHING good on television now. I watch all my shows via Hulu so...

On my bike ride in today I was considering what life would be like as a bike messenger. Wondering how people get into that job up in NYC (or Chicago, or any other city that has them) and also wishing that I lived in a city that embraced mass transit and commuting via bike or pedestrain instead of thinking people are insane for having/owning a car. I dislike this area so much because of it.
I think the plan to move to Portland by December 2010 needs to come into play. Or the West Coast. I just gotta figure out how.

We'll be in Denver in two weeks as of today. Not taking the bikes, but I'm sure Dimitrios is going to go with B-Man somewhere while out there.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bike Laws for each state

This is reposted from another blog I read - so before you start bitching about that cyclist in the road, make sure you even have the right to:

repost (and a big shout out to eyenot on the bikes ljay site for going through all this trouble locating this info):
Reposted from another blog:
I hope that all the users find reading this list to be as helpful, informative, entertaining, and frustrating as I found compiling it to be.

Where I could provide actual legislation, I did. Failing that, I tried to find references to articles of law. Barring that, I tried to find handbooks, guidebooks, rulebooks, and so on. Sans any of that, I at least tried to provide government website search pages with the terms already put in. And, in the rare incidences where that didn't even turn anything up, I just tried my best. In each case, I sought to provide the link to the easiest to read, most accessible, most comprehensive, or otherwise most presentable and useful description of the state's laws as I could find. Sometimes there were several things to choose from, and in several instances, there was nothing to find.

You'll notice that some of these states, perhaps even the one you live in, consider bicycles to be part of the realm of toys, children, and sugarplum gumdrop playlands. If you happen to live in one of these states that doesn't seem to take cycling seriously, or doesn't even have a specific set of laws related to cycling, I urge you to try and change that.

ALABAMA : (Pertinent articles outlined, with link to Alabama code of 1975)

ALASKA : ("Riding Lawfully in Alaska")

ARIZONA : (Pertinent articles outlined, with link to Arizona transportation laws of 2000)


CALIFORNIA : ("Bicycle Rules and Safety")

COLORADO : ("Colorado Bicycling Manual") ("Official Bicycling Laws in Colorado") ARTICLE: ("GOV. RITTER SIGNS BIKE-SAFETY, MILITARY, OTHER BILLS", May 11, 2009)


DELAWARE : ("Bicycling in Delaware", provided by Delware Bicycle Council)


GEORGIA : ("Georgia Bicycle Traffic Laws", provided by government of Perry)

HAWAII : ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Gateway", with links to body of law and handbooks)

IDAHO : ("Vehicle Code for Bikes")

ILLINOIS : ("Illinois Bicycling Information", with links to body of law and guides)

INDIANA : ("Chapter 11. Bicycles and Motorized Bicycles", legislation)

IOWA : (multiple links page provided by Department of Transportation)

KANSAS : ("Bicycle Statutes", Department of Transportation)


LOUISIANA : ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Home") ("Statewide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 2009" ... "The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (La DOTD) has begun work on an 18-month planning process which will ultimately result in a Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2009).")

MAINE : (Maine revised statutes)

MARYLAND : (links page for any cycling-related or pertinent laws, provided by State Highway Administration)


MICHIGAN : ("Operation of Bicycles, Motorcycles, and Toy Vehicles")

MINNESOTA : (links to pertinent state statutes)

MISSISSIPPI : (provided by Government of Mississippi Department of Transportation)

MISSOURI : ("Missouri State Statutes Regarding Bicyclists", provided by Missouri Department of Transportation)

MONTANA : (Montana Code Annotated, 2007)


NEVADA : ("Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Bicycles", provided by Department of Motor Vehicles of Nevada)

NEW HAMPSHIRE : ("New Hampshire Bicycle Laws and Safety Guidelines") ("Bicycle / Pedestrian Information Center")

NEW JERSEY : ("Biking in New Jersey Regulations")

NEW MEXICO : (search of NM.US for the term "bicycle")

NEW YORK : ("Bicycling in New York State", provided by Department of Transportation)

NORTH CAROLINA : (search of NC.GOV for the term "bicycle")

NORTH DAKOTA : (this might be the law-related page of the North Dakota government website)

OHIO : (Cycling relevant articles are highlighted in green text)

OKLAHOMA : (search of OK.GOV for the term "bicycle")

OREGON : ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, Laws and Regulations", with links)

PENNSYLVANIA : ("Bicycle Information Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual - Foreward", provided by Department of Transportation)

RHODE ISLAND : ("Bike Rhode Island", with links to all pertinent laws)

SOUTH CAROLINA : ( search for: bicycle law south carolina)

SOUTH DAKOTA : ("Bicycle Regulations for SD")

TENNESSEE : ("Child Bicycle Safety Laws")

TEXAS : ("SELECTED BICYCLE LAWS FROM THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE CHAPTER 551. OPERATION OF BICYCLES, MOPEDS, AND PLAY VEHICLES SUBCHAPTER A. APPLICATION OF CHAPTER", provided by the government of San Antonio) ("Bicycle Laws from the Texas Transportation Code Chapter 551 Subchapter B Regulation of Operation", provided by the government of Hollywood Park)

UTAH : ("Bicycle Commuter Guide", provided by Department of Transportation, with pertinent laws on the last page)

VERMONT : (search of for the term "bicycle law", with a link to "Bicycle Comuter Guide") ("Bicycle Commuter Guide" provided by Agency of Transportation, with "Internet Resourses" located on page 15)

VIRGINIA : ("Bicycling and Walking in Virginia", with links to pertinent information)

WASHINGTON : (Washington State Bicycle Laws)


WISCONSIN : ("Rules for Riding Bicycles on the Road", provided by Department of Transportation)

WYOMING : (search of WY.GOV for the term "bicycle")
("Arkansas Traffic Rules for Cyclists" provided by government of Little Rock) ("General Statutes Relating to Bicycle and Pedestrian Issues", 1999) (provided by government of Miami Beach) (Kentucky Revised Statutes) ("Massachusetts Law Pertaining to Bicyclists", provided by government of Amherst) ("Revised Statutes Chapter 60 » 60-6,317 Bicycles on roadways and bicycle paths; general rules; regulation by local authority.". legislation) ("Child Bicycle Safety Act", provided by the State Legislature)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Six Gap

Looks like Dimitrios and I will be attending Six Gap this year possibly.

I know he's definitely I gotta check school schedule and funds to make sure I can do it/tag along...

8-9 seems to almost be better than 7-8

Need to ride more.
So decided that even though I couldn't get up early today - I would head to work 9-6 on my bike.

I've always considered that time to be the 'bad' time. People seem more on edge in their cars, even more in a rush than the 7am crowd cause most of them are usually late and the whole 'zen' of the morning traffic is just - NOT.
So I tried it today and...

It wasn't that bad. Yes, more cars passed me - but they didn't seem to be nearly as 'angry' as some usually are and they also didn't seem to mind that I was there. Traffic lights were also a bit more kind to me as well - meaning I didn't need to stop for too long and wait which I like even more.
It's a relief - and now that I know that if I can't get my booty up in the mornings (something I've been having a problem with as of late), I can actually have a relaxing morning and get ready on my time. As long as I leave by 8:20 - I'm gold!
At least until the afternoon showers come in full force. Those usually seem to happen in August, by 6pm everyday. But even still - a slight drizzle in the rain feels nice!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bi-Polar Weather in Florida ...FTL

*To the Beatles Song*

Woke Up
Got out of bed
Dragged a Comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
and looking up, I noticed I was late.

Grabbed my bike and grabbed my badge
Got ready in seconds flat....
Opened the door to sun and smiles
As I closed the door, SWOOOOOSH OF RAIN/WATER/WIND surrounds me.....

Whhhaattt...the EFFFF...


So here I sit...listening to the rain continue for the past 20 minutes now. HOPING it will stop, but knowing that my 'window of non-agresso ride time' (Meaning less cars on the road and less chance of agressive/rushed/angry drivers) is pretty much shot.
Some rain in the morning on the way in, not so bad. Torrential Downpour where I know I'll be completely drenched by the time I get to work? Not so nice.

This week has just been obstacle after obstacle of getting back on the bike. The flat on Monday...which only made me ride 4 1/2 miles..and now this. At least nothing crazy on the group ride happened yesterday and I actually got to go.

Mergh...make the bipolar weather in Florida stop...please?!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Win but Fail

Tire changing went -- well, I would think
I learned I need to practice more, so I'm going to look to start trying to do that like while I'm watching TV at night or something so I get better at it.
I also learned to carry a patch kit with you - so if you eff up the replacement tube, from...I dunno - PULLING THE PUMP off the stem (D'OH), then you can patch up the other tube and use that to ride.
Lesson(s) learned. Dimitrios will be picking me up this afternoon, as I did not have the patch kit with me, and well - the latter is what happened.
Definitely got the idea/concept of it down, will just need to practice more often so I get used to this.
For you readers that have never had to do this, I will provide you with this so you may learn how:

Flat Tire - Definitely a Monday

Got my first flat while riding to work this morning.
I have been shown how to change a flat, so I was kind of excited about doing this on the side of the road/parking lot.
Until I noticed that it's the back tire.
Which has gearing on it - and a rack and my pannier...
So, while I could do it - it might take me a little longer than I want it to (and I need to be at work).
Walked the mile and a half to work. Made it just in time as it started raining while I was in the bathroom changing.

Flat will be changed at lunch today. I'll have an hour to scratch my head, and figure out how to get everything off without screwing up the bike.
Hopefully Dimitrios might come by and show me a bit too as that would be most helpful.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From a LBS - that's not an LBS to me

I found this link to be amusing..and some of them very very true.
I'm sure other friends/cyclists that I have (and those who actually read this) will as well.