It would not be at all strange if history came to the conclusion that the perfection of the bicycle was the greatest incident of the nineteenth century. ~Author Unknown
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Christmas To all and to me = BIKE SCHWAG!
Bike Schwag for the holidays (from him) include the following:
- Clipless Pedals and Shoes for the Trek (score! as I've been wanting to remove the BMX pedals from that bike. That bike is my exercise/training bike and having those on with the mountain bike shoes just made the bike SO heavy).
- Biking Windbreaker Jacket - something I desperately needed. I have WARM gear, but WARM gear doesn't protect you from the wind going through your clothes. I can't wait for the 'Florida Winters' to get here so I can try/wear that puppy and try it out!
- Fenders for the commuter bike (so I no longer will have a dirt line up my back when/if I get caught in the rain...AWESOME).
- Biking Shorts (bought by his mom)
- U-Lock for the commuter. This will come in lots of handy. :-)
We rode at Ft. DeSoto on Christmas Day...after fanangaling the bike (Trek) around, I believe we FINALLY got both the seat and the handlebars in a acceptable position that's comfy for me to ride. Rode it again on Saturday to a friend's house and back and damn, it was comfy and no fatigue at all, except for the neck and shoulder muscles, but that's my bad for crunching up when I ride.
The riding has gone well. I didn't ride into work this week, but plan on beefing up the mileage on my days off to make up for it. I am quite excited to use all my gear as well.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Back to Biking La la la
Was going to ride this weekend, but stayed out a little too late from a Christmas Party and didnt' get up as I had planned. Then, when I did get up, was too hungover, in pain. Ah well.
Rode into work today. Only have a three day work week this week so I will be riding two days out of the three (the last day I might ride too...depending on if I get a package here or not). Or maybe just ride in, see if I get a package, and then get the car later on in the day?! Hummm....
My off days this week will be Sunday and Thursday. Rest of the week will be riding/commuting. Even if I need to pick things up at Target!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Update on Sickies and Cycling
BUT...I feel almot 100% the Mucinex is working and yes, I'm blowing and coughing it all out.
Should be about 90% better tomorrow and me and the bike...ARE ON!
Then I'll continue my regime that I had planned.
10 miles (AT LEAST) ... a day, for five days out of the week. I'm allowed two days off, but not consecutive.
Until January...then I bump up the mileage more per day (and yes this means riding around/exploring either on my way home or before work on some days).
Also going to start doing the hundred push-up's challenge and sit ups every morning when I crawl out of bed. I used to run in the mornings (for only like 15 minutes) but it helped get me motivated and I don't really need to run if I'm riding ya know?.
On a good note, I am back at my usual weight before I had all the surgeries (120-127lbs). I had gained about 10 pounds but that is gone now since I've been so good with the commuting and the riding. Woohoo.
2009 is the year to get my muscle back. I lost it due to surgeries and stuff this year, time to get back in the saddle.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Week of Crud
I got sick last week. Wednesday to be exact.
And I am still blowing enough snot out of my face, I could create the lollipop guild...all three of them.
So, no riding for the past week. It's been a bit of a bummer as I really want to ride, but I also don't want a face full of snot/uncontrollable nose running either.
As soon as the phlegm/plague leaves my body, the biking will continue.
In the meantime, stay tuned.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Weekend of Blah..
Have rode in 3 out of the five days this week. Thought a doctor's appointment was one day, which it was not. Actually it was the next day. But I did ride to the grocery store and back with Dimitrios on Monday to make up for the missed day.
The '<10>
I have also decided that I have to ride AT LEAST 10 miles a day every day (with the exception of two days a week, not consectutively). Since I cancelled my gym membership, this will help make up for the non-exercise, me thinks and I will also start the hundredpushups challenge this weekend for upper arm strenth (and also do crunches while doing that). Doing all the milage I have done these past two months has been great. It put me back at my weight that I was at when Dimitrios and I started dating (I had gained some weight due to trauma from my two surgeries this year. Not a lot, but enough that I noticed it and it did not make me happy (about 10lbs). If I keep this up, I'll be doing stamina and training rides in no time.
Next week - I won't be riding on Monday, Wednesday (possibly because of the rain chance) ...those will be my off days for the week. If I ride on Wednesday due to no rain chance, then I can take Saturday off if I like. We shall see.
HURRAY for Cycling!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Added all the commuting days just need to add the training rides and we'll be good
Monday, November 24, 2008
Stats fpr the year so far:
Week Review
This weekend, Dimitrios got the Miyata together with her new derailer and I took her out on a spin on Sunday to Lenny's (our favorite breakfast spot) and Target. She rides like a champ and is pretty comfy too. No clips on her (as she is the beater/commuter) but I've got 'rat traps' and those work just fine with tennis shoes. Now we just need to get the rack on the back and she's good to go!
This week we'll be doing lots of trails and riding on Friday/Saturday/ and Sunday up in Tallahassee, FL. I cannot wait!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Week Review (11/10-11/16)
Melanie lives about 10.92 miles from my house and I figured instead of having a bazillion cars at her house for moving purposes, all she really needed was arm muscle (plus, where to park all those cars in DT St. Pete where there are alleys and such?). So I work up - started my ride at 11am and got to her house by noon. It was a nice brisk ride and no honking horns or rude people whatsoever.
That ride made me realize that I can, in fact, ride pretty much anywhere and everywhere if I just take the time out for it. That's the catch - you have to prep for rides, bring a change of clothes, etc. And depending on what you're doing, it's not a bad thing, but if you were going to the symphony - for example, you might want to rent a car...but yea, it's doable. Totally.
Didn't ride in this morning as I have a headache and was pretty worn out from the ride yesterday, but this week's commute schedule is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (possibly Wednesday too - we'll see if I'm up for it). I brought clothes changes today so that I could if need be on Wednesday even . So yea, looking forward to it.
And next weekend. We'll be in Tallahassee with my good friend Brendan and we plan on doing a nice ride through my mom's neighborhood and possibly all the way up into Georgia if we can. Awesome.
The new derailer for the Miyata is on it's way. I cannot wait to get that bike up and running and ready for commuting!
Monday, November 3, 2008
End of October

Riding Stats for October are as follows:
Total Distance for the Month: 65.20 miles
Total Calories: 2,158
This does not show the rides we did in Portland however, add about 40 miles to this and we're set.
(note: All information is logged on the page under the name Ritapita or
There was a vacation to the Portland, Oregon area planned, and it was a blast. We did lots of commuting there via bicycle and walking (thanks to the lovely Seth and Kaya for letting us borrow their bicycles on our days there). Bottom line: I loved it there. And am going to try as hard as I can to get up there to move. Starting at the beginning of the year, the wheels are going to be put in motion to get up there.
Had a 'equipment' failure right before we left for Portland. One of the rear bicycle lights broke and the clip for it is no longer attached to it. Bummer, but fixable.
And I have a new addition to my family. Her name right now is unknown (still can't think of one), but she's a 1988 Miyata Road Bike. Got her on Craig's List for 100 bucks:

Today is the beginning of November. Ride schedule to and from work is every 5 days for now on, weather permitting of course. I will be riding this week from Monday-Wednesday. Driving in on Thursday with clothes change and then Friday-Wednesday the next week. Riding will probably happen a lot more as the weather is staying cooler and nicer.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Haven't posted in let me sum up.
August: 82.80m/1,444c
September: 79.60m/2,331c
October: As of today, 65.36m/1,776c
Weather has been ok. The signs of fall appeared the first week of October which made me think that the weather was going to get nice enough to ride daily, but it has now warmed up. I'm still riding 3 times a week to work and then somewhere on the weekends. It's been great.
Moments of Annoyance:
Two weeks ago, someone decided they thought it would be awesome to slam on their horn for about 60 seconds while driving behind me and The Greek on 66th. We were a) in a construction zone with no area to get out of their way, b) following all traffic rules of the road and c) really?! Do you think that does any good. The Greek and I just continued on our way as fast as we could. When they passed, they did NOT give us the 3 foot as required by law. If I didn't have clips in, I would have kicked the side of their car. Being rude like that is just...NOT COOL.
Other than that, no major annoyances from other drivers. Be it car, or bike.
Learned how to change out a tube on a tire. I think I will actually have to use that skill tonight as currently, my tire was flat when I woke up this morning. Kind of bummed me out as I was hoping to ride into work everyday this week since my gas allowance is a little low (ran too many errands the weekend before). Hopefully just the tube is the problem. I filled it with air this morning to make sure it will be empty by the time I get home. I'll go to the gym this afternoon to make up for it.
Used a pannier for the first time yesterday to get some objects I needed at work at work. It wasn't too bad. Feels a little awkward having stuff hang off the side and you do have to consider it when turning, etc...but it is a nice way to transport things and not have it on your back or bag causing you to sweat up a storm.
So that's that. Still riding, hopefully even more when I get back from Vacation (this weekend and next weekend) as the weather will be starting to cool off for the year. Really looking forward to this. Trying to get it where I only drive the car at the most, once during the week to work and once during the weekend (if necessary) for trips to Tampa, recycling, etc.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Gear Upgrades
Got a new seat. It's Dimitrios's old seat, but it works a lot better than the factory seat that came with the bike.
Also, got a new stem. This made the top tube, drop area (if I'm saying this correctly. I learned this lingo from this website:
a bit longer for me. Which is good. My bike is a 47cm, but it actually would be more comfortable for me to be on a 49 or we just added the inches with a stem. It's helping. When I go into the drops, I don't feel as scrunched up on my legs and when I go to push with my legs, I actually have some leverage now to go faster. The stretch is making me work some muscles I didn't work before, but that's ok. Probably the ones I should have been working all along.
On the ride this morning, it felt good.
Man, I <3>
Beginnings of fall are here and my ears are cold to prove it.
Man! Was it brisk out! Really makes you look forward to the day!
Hardly any sweating on the entire ride. Awesome.
Hopefully it stays this way! It was fantabulous riding into work this morning.
If this keeps up, I'll only be driving in one day a week (maybe two if I have doctor's appointments. Which - that time of the year is coming up...)
Riding tomorrow too. To make up for the days I didn't ride this week due to a migraine.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fall go BOOM! Loose a light too (*Frown*)
Got to a stop sign. I didn't clip out fast enough. Down I went.
Again, I think my ego was bruised more than anything.
I can't seem to get this clip situation resolved/figured out. I do so well...but I've had this clips since what...May? And still, I fall. Is this normal? Shouldn't I have figured this stuff out by now.
Anyways, get up, brush myself off. The rest of the ride is fine. However, my handlebars are now eff'd (well the tape is anyways). Finally broke it. Nothing electrical tape won't fix.
We get to a main intersection and I get ready to turn on my back light that's usually attached to my saddle bag.
Except it's not there.
Which sucks.
We keep going to Lenny's. Ride back. Can you believe in an hour's time, somebody had already found the light and taken it home with them (bastards). Sucky.
Those lights aren't cheap (LED awesome). And I got mine as a set for a really good deal via Now I'm going to have to go and buy one seperately, which means that one will probably cost the same amount as the two. Poop.
Ride In...Drive Out
Today I learned how to get resistance training in a relatively FLAT area. Ride AGAINST the wind. HA ha. Seriously. The ride in even took longer than usual because with how windy it had slowed me down to about 12mph!! That's rough!
The Greek bought me a new battery for my cat-eye wireless. Awesome. I can now see how many MPH I'm doing - what's my average speed, track my mileage for trips, etc. Makes riding fun again to see your progress while you ride.
Speaking of -- when I first started riding in Feb, my average pace was 12mph. Now, my average speed has moved up to 17mph. I think that's pretty impressive. At one point on the ride in on Thursday, I was going as fast as 19mph and it didn't even wear me out like it used to. Hopefully with the weather cooling off, I can start the training rides again soon (right now I'm mainly just commuting to and from places).
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Work Week Update: Only today has been screwed up
I'm concluding my ride in is fine. Sure, I get sweaty, but no where near like when I come home. There are TONS of areas on my ride that are not shaded AT ALL. Plus waiting in traffic at 5pm on black asphalt with no shade is just...UGH. I get home and all I want to do is collapse. But that's no good either. Gotta walk around just a bit so I cool down and then jump into the shower.
Today (Wednesday) ...normally the day to ride in, but the rain chance said 60% and Hurricane Ike is looming around us (you can see the bands occasionally). So no riding today.
Tomorrow, I ride in the am and then Dimitrios will pick me up at 4 so we can commute together to our hair appointment(s). Possible dinner with some friends in Oldsmar after that.
The rainchance...with the exception of today this week is 30%. I'll be riding the rest of the week...for sure.
Weekend in Review
Now I honestly want to make a point of it to go to bed super early on the weekends (say...Friday nights..) and wake up super early (like 3-4am) and go for rides! Something to consider...
Sunday we rode to Dimitrios's uncles house in the afternoon for a cookout. Left his place by about 10:00 and again, night riding = AWESOME. I really enjoyed it.
So not too bad. This weekend I think we're going to shoot for riding to Country Inn Pizza on Friday night for our dinner outing, Lenny's in the morning on Saturday or Sunday and maybe even try to do a training ride on Sunday evening...
Kick ass.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Riding this week has been postponed due to Womanly Failure
Riding on Friday will be safe, so I will ride that day and probably Saturday and Sunday as well to make up for it. Thinking of maybe doing an actual 'training' ride on Sunday and not just a commute ride only (ride will probably be a 30 mile to the beach and back).
Weather seems to be holding up for the most part when the hurricanes are not in effect (there are three right now they are watching), which makes me think the rainy season of the year is over and the riding more than three times a week will be in effect as well.
This tri-monthly situation however, is making me wonder...what can I do on days like this if I am carless?? Will need to figure out a solution soon cause when the car dies, I am going to go completely carless for at least six months. OR if I move to where mass-transit is savvy, then I will be selling the car. That's for sure.
Monday, September 1, 2008
This weekend rides have been postponed due to Gustav
The weather was rainy all weekend. Which meant me being pretty non-motivated to do any riding, or anything else this weekend for that matter.
But the ride today helped get me back. And I'm sure I'll sleep good tonight because of it.
Last Week
I rode three times last week and drove the car twice.
It felt good, to get back into riding again. I was more focused at work and it made me happier throughout the week.
This week coming up - Wednesday and Friday to ride...unless of rain, of course.
New Decision based on weather...if the rain chance is 50% or less, then I'm riding...anything more, not riding.
Total Amount of riding: 30 miles this week (10 miles a day)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
And to this it was almost ruined...
However, they no longer provide for my new insurance company that I have (thanks new job). appointment tomorrow morning. Bicycle Riding will continue as scheduled :-).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesdays Biking Lesson: Sunglasses
They are the most expensive pair of sunglasses that I have ever owned or have. Because of this, I hardly ever would wear them for fear of them breaking, getting lost or someone just getting eff'd up.
The cool thing about these glasses, is that they come with interchangeable lenses. And it came with two other sets (one set being yellow, the other being orange). I had no idea what each of the colors did, so I never really did anything with them and always have just worn the DARK glasses.
I needed eye protection while riding, so just out of curiousity today, I took the Dark lenses out and put the yellow lenses in.
WOW! Does it brighten morning up!! I had no problems seeing things while riding before the sun came up! It was awesome. so I look up what the color lenses do on the web-site:
"Vibrant lens that increases visual acuity in low light or flat conditions."
It was awesome. I might start even wearing them when I drive at night. LOL.
So I see that Brendan bought me these glasses (from his bike shop) for a purpose I guess.
Now I'm just going to be more paranoid about loosing them because the power of 'awesomeness' they hold. :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Plan: Week 2 - Three Days and Gas Reduction Plan
Weekend we'll ride to Lenny's at some point. Car will be used for our Orlando trip on Saturday for the show (My Morning Jacket) for the Greek's last birthday present.
I also decided to knock the gas fund down everypaycheck. I had it where I was getting $30 dollars a week in it is down to $30 a paycheck. That should motivate me to ride the beast even more.
This morning to work wasn't bad. As long as I leave before the sun comes up, the sweat factor/heat/humidity isn't too bad. Added the rack on the back today so that IF I did go through some water, I wouldn't have a dirt trail up the back. Helped out.
I'll be riding home too. :-)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday: Different Ride, Different Time
The weather has been ....evil lately. I've been wanting to ride, but while Fay is still around (tropical storm JOKE, if you ask me), the rain, not raining has been a bugger. And I desperately need to get a commuter bike. That will be a definite search after the Portland trip.
So the only riding I have done (no thanks weather) was today. Woke up early and did our usual commute to Lenny's in Clearwater. I decided to try something different: Ride Casual. Meaning, casual clothes (But with biking shorts underneath), and NO CLIPLESS SHOES. I just rode with my polka dot slip on Keds.
Oh, what a pain in the ass that was. The streets were wet..and with no rack on the back of my bike, the water just went all up my butt/back area. Then because everything was wet, my shoes kept slipping off the pedals. So that is something I definitely won't go without ever again. They make the biking shoes for a reason, so I learned today.
But we rode there and back, getting a little wet both ways. It wasn't too bad.
I do plan on riding everyday this week to work except Wednesday when I see the personal trainer at the gym.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The book shows you a website to go to that has a 'True Cost to Own' link. There you can enter in your information of your car and it will tell you how much your car is REALLY costing you. Not just the price amount you paid, but in gas, depreciation, etc over a certain period of time.
(Click on the 'True Cost to Own' link)
The only bad thing? The dates for the used cars don't go past 2003. So I will have to do the worksheet in the book I mentioned before today. When I do, I will post the results.
No biking today. Tropical storm has put rain in the proverbial forcast for the next couple of days. I also have an appointment at lunch. Curses.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
No Hurricane in sight, but I did get my book
Amazing feedback. I would seriously suggest everyone read this if they are considering taking ANY type of journey, challenge without a car....
Monday Monday 8/18
What do I do? I ride my bike to work, with the garantee from the bf that he will pick me up if necessary.
However, no rain occurs the entire day and I'm able to ride my bike home with no problems. Not a drop of rain, nothing.
Total Miles: 9.74 miles
Average Speed: 17mph
Mood: Accomplished. :-). I was happy to start my goal on the right track. Sadly, the only time I'll get to ride for the rest of this week to work and back is Friday...but that's ok. I'll just up it more next week when I don't have as many appointments.
Also - need to get new batteries for the Cateye (my odomoter, tripometer, speedometer). It's only acknowledging on half the ride. Annoying when/if I actually attempt to train. the park...
We rode our bikes to our favorite breakfast diner (Lenny's on US19) and back.
Also stopped by the hardware store and picked up some supplies and the post office.
Found an excellent path between Gulf to Bay and Nursery Roads too that doesn't put you on US19.
Total Ride: About 10 miles.
Feelings During the Ride: A little shaky early in the morning (needed foods I think), but after eating, just fine. Still note: I need to get new Capri's that are black.
And a commuter bike. Cause while I do love my Trek WSD 1000. I do not like leaving 'my baby' out of view.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Start of a Beautiful Thing...Week 1
One of our favorite restaurants is only 4.87 miles from the house.
Friday, after I got home, we hopped on the bikes (only slightly geared up as we were riding casual) and headed to Thai House in Largo Mall.
When we were done eating, got back on the bikes and rode home.
We got home before 10pm and I felt accomplished.
I got ready for bed, as we decided to get up early and head to our favorite breakfast diner in the am on the bikes and did not want to miss this opportunity.
Total Miles: about 10 rode.
Feeling after: Beyond accomplished
Lesson to Learn: Must get another pair of cargo/capri pants to wear on the bicycle. it never shows sweat. ;-)
Reality, TAKE One
- The weather is not always going to be nice (for example we are under a hurricane watch now and I have to go to work tomorrow), sooo
I might have to drive. - I do sometimes have appointments at the doctor's etc that have to be taken care of sooooo
I might have to drive. - The car, will be, in fact, PAID FOR in less than a month now sooooo
it would be silly to get rid of it and go completely cold turkey
The boyfriend is in full effect with this idea as well.
We commenced our efforts this past weekend. Please, read below.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
And so it begins...
- I started cycling this year and love it.
- I'm sick of paying out the @$$ for gas and it's prices.
- The exercise alone for cycling is amazing.
- It's good for the environment AND my health.
- I'm planning a move to Portland, OR in four years time (or less...depending on life) and need to get acclimated.
- My car, which will be paid off next month (September) is starting to have problems that will cost more than she is worth to fix (she a 1998). And soo....
I want to be ready to be completely car free when the expense gets too much to fix her.
I thought about going cold turkey, but the though of not having 'my car' (yes, I will admit it's a control thing for the most part) and feeling like my freedom is being taken away just like THAT, scares me.
So this weekend, I will start the 'baby steps' process. I will prepare throughout the weekend by starting to buy the needed items (will post those later), resources for transit (also another post) and making routes to cycle most of my life for now on.
And next week... I will attempt to go completely car-less.
Stay tuned. Daily progress will be recorded starting on Monday, August 18th.