Sunday, April 12, 2009

School work = NO RIDE

I've got a FINAL that's going to be due this week.
Plus assignments and a quiz that's due tonight.

Woke up this morning and just could not justify going for a ride when studying MUST/NEEDED to be done.

I'll be glad when school is done in October. Then I can really crank it up like I want to.
And hopefully won't be so tired.
Oh, and it's easter...HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Week riding plans look good though - Riding with the Skirts on Tuesday, then Riding to work Wed and Thurs. Thursday is a half day for me so I'll come home and do the final - then we're heading to Tallahassee for the wedding of the year. We'll be riding on Friday and Sunday for sure. Yessssss....

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