I am not the person to discuss new car/traffic construction with. Sadly, I noted this yesterday when my house-mate unfortunately brought up the new overpass off of Bryan Dairy that is currently being created even as we speak.
I had seen the monstrosity on the couple of occasions I have driven to the Interstate, I just honestly choose to ignore it for the most part.
Currently - from what I hear; Exit 30 on I-275 will include a new overpass that will take people right to Bryan Dairy instead of having them drive on Roosevelt.
Sure, it's great for cars commuters; but it's horrible for other method of transportation. And that's what infuriates me.
Why can't this area, instead of creating a gazillion overpasses to accomodate the sprawl - DO SOMETHING about the sprawl?? And if they can't - then why can't they look into more efficient methods of transportation...say Mass Transit or a Railway or something.
This entire AREA has become nothing but 8 lane roads (that don't need to be 8 lanes..I'm sorry, but if they had just looked into making more options to mass commute people across the bridge to Tampa, then they wouldn't have to make Ulmerton (for example), from 4 to 8 lanes. have you been on that road after rush hour? It's DEAD - hardly any of that 8 lane is fully used EXCEPT for at rush hour time).
It's bad enough that in order for me to get home SAFELY, I have to drive my car to an area PAST three entrance and exit routes of interstate. Every single road in this area people think is a freeway/highway...even when it's not. We've got four lane roads going through NEIGHBORHOODS. With kids playing in the area.
It's just not smart. We're talking over and over about the oil spill here and how we need to find alternative energy sources, yet we're still condoning that everyone in this area HAVE A CAR in order to survive..it seems almost like a wasted effort.
You wanna talk about being less dependent on gas? Then shut up and get on a bicycle. Or take a walk to the store that's 1.5 miles from your house. Sure it'll be hot - sure it'll be uncomfortable..but your body will adjust. You think I ENJOY being a hot sweaty mess when I come into work and all the cleanup I have to do when I get there so as not to offend? No I don't really. But it's SO worth it to be more fit, enjoy my time on the bike, have an alternative method of transportation, and be one less car on the road.
So no; talking to me about how cool an overpass isn't really a good idea.
The only thing I see that overpass as being right now for me?! Is a reminder - that I need to move out of this area and to more cycle friendly areas that WANT to embrace alternative options for transit.
/end soapbox.
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