Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Dimitrios and I have been biking a lot more now that the weather is pleasant. We took our steel frame/commuter bikes this Sunday and rode to Target and got items we needed (put them in our pannier set), had a nice lunch and then rode back. About a 10 mile ride for the day. Dimitrios is also riding for everything now. His car has not been moved from the parking space since November 7th, when we got back from our Atlanta/The Jesus Lizard trip. It's been pretty cool. And it's not like the miles are going on my car, cause my car has pretty much been parked with the exception of the usual 1-2 days a week I drive into work.

We also rode to his mom's house for Thanksgiving dinner. That was really nice too. Ended up getting a night ride in (as it was about 11pm when we left her house), and the roads were dead. Very different and very odd for a Thursday night in Largo; but very beneficial for us as we weren't bothered by any motorists. People driving that did pass us didn't even seem to be in a rush, which is a nice change.

Rode the commuter bike to work as it was Monday and I didn't want to work up a huge sweat. D then suggested we go to his mom's for Turkey Soup (which was delicious). I suggested he meet me at work and so we rode from my work to his mom's - had a nice dinner and left about 8pm, we headed home and a mile away from the house, my pulley broke on the derailer, causing no inertia/pull. D went back to get the pieces and then pushed me the mile left that we had home! Got home and ordered the part - thank goodness only a 4 dollar part. So, my commuter bike is out of commission for a bit - no big deal. Should be back in working order by this weekend.

Been riding three weeks now two days a week an hour before I am expected to go into work. It's been nice. I think next week I might bump it up to 3 days a week. Mondays are just going to be commute only days; as I can't get my @$$ up to save my life on Mondays.
And I came up with an 'epiphany' this past weekend while staring at my car parked in the parking spot. I think on the days/weeks I have appointments I'm just going to drive the car into work on Monday mornings and keep the car in the parking garage at work all week and just bike to and from work. I mean...why not?? That way on my lunch appointments I can drive to them and make it - and IF it rains, then at least the car is here for me to use and I don't have to try and find another alternate route/plan (even though 75% of the time I just ride in the rain cause I like to). Then on Friday, just drive the car back home. Easy Peasy. And I will still be able to get most of my riding in during the week.

So that's the update ...I'll get better at posting on this now that I'm riding more often. And I'll be sure to post my stats as well soon as I haven't done that in awhile either

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm not as young as I used to be. I need sleep - and a decent amount of it in order to function. The days of drinking and being retarded, crashing out and then getting only 4 hours of sleep to wake up the next morning and go to work are done/over. I'm 30 - it doesn't work that way anymore.

Also - setting any...WORKOUT goal on a Monday morning (or a biking goal for that matter) ain't gonna happen for a bit. I wanted to start riding in the mornings before I head to work - at least an hour before -- twice a week for starters. I THOUGHT Mondays would be perfect for that, but they're not, as I want to sleep in until I absolutely HAVE to get up and get my butt on that bike.

I went to bed at 10pm last night. It was kinda hard as I usually want to fight to stay up as late as possible (EFF THE MAN), I had to use two glasses of champagne in order to just make me sleepy - crashed...and amazingly - woke up on my own at 4:52am (alarm was set for 5:15). I laid there...kinda surprised by all the noise that goes on outside my window/in the parking lot of my complex (I had no idea that many people went to work at that time) until the alarm went off, then got up - started a load of laundry and got ready for the bike ride before work.

Headed out of the house @ 6am -- rode until 6:50 in the neighborhood behind my work, and then headed into work at 7am.
So I now know that:
a) I HAVE to go to bed by 10pm if I'm going to get up for this ride by 6am
b) I CANNOT DRINK the night before a ride day. Or..really ever again for that matter. I'm sure I will have certain weekends that I will drink but that whole hangover shit?! yea, not happening anymore.
c) The 6am ride is awesome. There's hardly anyone on the road and the people that are?? Leave you the hell alone. Plus seeing the sun come up in the morning and all the colors over the horizon - ah-MAZ-ing! I'm going to have to get my handheld back from Chris and take a photo one morning while I'm riding. :D
d) The awesome thing about being short is that you can take legwarmers that are supa-cheap at Target and use them as arm warmers as well and nobody is the wiser. My total warm gear on my bike (without my coat as I felt it would make me too hot)....about 5 dollars (the sets of legwarmers were 2.50 each last year). And they just look like sleeves...awesome.
e) Bike riding makes me feel better - so I need to not let it fall astray and continue it.

Those are my discoveries for the week - well - that and the Jesus/Gun Truck I mentioned earlier today

Sited while doing my hour ride before work...

A Ford F-150 that has a sticker of the Head of Christ on it (with thorns) and then gun shot stickers all around the Jesus Sticker and the truck. What kind of symbolism is that?! I want to Shoot Christ? I've been shot for liking Chirst? I'm just a retard?! WHICH ONE?!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear White SUV Lexas:

I'm sorry that YOU thought you needed to go on the complete opposite side of the street and impede passing traffic...100 FEET BEFORE A STOP SIGN that you and I are coming up to while I'm on my bike. It's not my fault you're a complete MORON and can't just WAIT YOUR TURN AT A STOP SIGN LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
If you had just COASTED and stayed behind me to begin with - you wouldn't have that problem, or have pissed off the other driver.

Stay classy, jackass."

Monday, October 19, 2009


Cold Weather
New Wheels
New WheelSet (thanks to Dimitrios - happy birthday to me! The Hubs finally came in and he made my wheelset all last week and this weekend) :D

Makes for a faster/happier ride into work
This weekend - starts the weekend rides again and the training. I'm excited!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Cold Front" Starts here tomorrow

Which means the biking starts back up to and from work during the work week.
And maybe some group rides with the Skirts, as I do miss them.

Hell - YES

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stay tuned for more on this - breaking news...

Thanks to velonews.com:

California road-rage case heads for court

By Patrick Brady
Published: Oct. 12, 2009

A California emergency-room physician faces trial this week on multiple felony charges stemming from a 2008 road-rage case that left two cyclists seriously injured.

Dr. Christopher T. Thompson allegedly braked suddenly in front of Ron Peterson and Christian Stoehr after he and Peterson exchanged words as they descended Mandeville Canyon Road on July 4, 2008.

The road, a two-lane, dead-end street in the Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood, is a popular destination for local cyclists who want a climb with relatively little traffic.

Peterson and Stoehr had taken part in a Fourth of July group ride and were descending behind the rest of the group after assisting another cyclist who had fallen and waiting for paramedics to arrive.

Thompson, an ER physician and owner of a medical-records company who lives on Mandeville Canyon Road, is said to have approached the duo at speed in a late-model burgundy Infiniti sedan and honked at them before pulling alongside and telling them to ride single file. After a brief exchange of words, the cyclists say, Thompson pulled ahead of them and then stopped short.

Stoehr hit the back of the car and vaulted into the oncoming traffic lane. His injuries included a grade-three shoulder separation and road rash. Peterson went through the rear window of the car; the impact broke his nose, nearly severing it from his face, and shattered several of his teeth. More than 90 stitches were required to reattach his nose.

Thompson was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon; he was later released on $30,000 bail. In December 2008, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Amy. D. Hogue ordered that Thompson stand trial after a preliminary hearing in which Los Angeles police Officer Robert Rodriguez testified that Thompson complained that cyclists frequently traveled the canyon road and that he was “tired of them.” Thompson allegedly also told police that he stopped in front of the cyclists to “teach them a lesson.”

Also testifying were two other cyclists who claimed to have had an earlier run-in with the doctor on Mandeville Canyon Road. Patrick Watson and Josh Crosby say they were descending the road in March 2008 when a motorist sped ahead of them and hit his brakes. Watson bunny-hopped a curb and rode onto a lawn while Crosby dodged into oncoming traffic.

Watson says the motorist made a second attempt to hit them and then sped away. He used his cell phone to record the vehicle’s vanity plate, TCH MDX; that plate was also on the back of a burgundy Infiniti driven by Thompson in the July 4 incident involving Peterson and Stoehr. Thompson’s medical records company is called Touch Medix.

The Los Angeles Police Department investigated the March incident, but Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley declined to file charges against Thompson, saying the case wasn’t “a winner.” Since then, the case against Thompson has been amended to include a single count of misdemeanor reckless driving causing injury, reflecting the allegations made by Watson and Crosby.

Thompson pleaded not guilty to the charges against him on January 15. Final pre-trial motions will take place on Tuesday. A jury is to be selected on Wednesday, with opening arguments scheduled for Thursday.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Six Gap

Dimitrios did well last Sunday.
105 miles in 6 1/2 hours. He did all of Six Gap...and his legs felt like spaghetti to prove it.
I started looking today for photos of him on flickr - and came across the ones I posted. Thanks to x376 User on Flickr for posting them and this set

I'll be posting more as I find them!
Oh and the guy in that last photo -- with the black/white helmet right in the front?! That's my BFF Brendan... :D

Friday, September 25, 2009

Biking and Six Gap

I've started biking into work again. I missed it - two times these past two weeks. that's pretty good - next week I'm going to strive for three weeks - my body has totally missed it so it's definitely something I'm going to get back to. The afternoon showers after work are hitting me as I drive home, but that's ok. Makes the drive less humid/gross feeling.

Going to Tallahassee tonight to drop Dimitrios off with Brendan for the ride up in Six Gap I was going to participate in this, but something has come up with my grandfather, so I'm using the weekend as a weekend to visit him and possibly do some riding around the Tallahassee area for a bit. And do homework. It'll be a quiet/private weekend for me and it's something that's definitely needed for me.

At some point I'm going to start attempting to go back to the weekly ride with The Skirts Sadly with the way it's looking, it might not be until I'm 100% done with school, and then I'll only be riding with them until we move out of state in May :(. I miss seeing them though.

Going to also start on a training schedule for the rider with little time (see book below). Plans for that are to be in October that I start doing that.

And Im getting a new bike soon. Details to follow on that when I get it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well this is sad (Click Title for story)

Washington's Bike Messenger's are in decline :(...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hiatus is almost over

I'm sorry, but the heat and humidity for the month of August pretty much killed any ambition I had to ride to and from work - or even just to go and get the mail.

We went to Colorado for a week - it was..AMAZING!!! D did some mountain biking and had a good time.
Just got back from an Atlanta/Tallahassee visit this Labor Day. That was fun, and the Silver Comet Trail in Atlanta is really a nice trail that we enjoyed. Shaded, nice - and EVERYONE KNEW HOW THE HELL TO RIDE, walk, and jog on the trail (unlike here in the 'Burg, where the Pinellas trail is filled with morons and walkers who take up the entire trail....Sigh).
D went with Brendan up in Tallahassee to a Chaires ride...i bailed on riding as my rear is sore from the ride on the Silver Comet. Mainly because I haven't rode in over a month and my booty's gotta get used to my seat again.
I have come across a conclusion however....

My bike is too small for me. It's something I didn't...WANT to admit - but let's face facts...I have a stem on it that's ridiculous (150-200), I have spacers to get the stem up where I need it in order to fit me correctly (about 4 or 5 spacers...which is a LOT). its' just too small. It's a 47cm, and I probably need one up - (49 or 50). so I'm biting the bullet and looking for a bike now. When I get it - I'll sell my Trek and that will be the hardest thing. Since it was my baby - my first REAL bike and her and I have shared many memories.
I've got time and like I said - The Trek fits for now..but it does still hurt sometimes...so bigger would be better as I can't really keep stretching it out when it's gone as far as it can go.
So that's the plan with that...

As for the biking - the plan right now - depending on the weather - will be to ride into work tomorrow. Here's hoping it's not disgusting - as one month without biking is like going north to sound on my arm with a razor blade!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bike Ride = Sweat Ride in Tampa Bay this time of year

Rode the bike into work.
Rode last week as well, but the heat is making me (and the Greek) pretty lethargic lately.
I haven't done the group ride in forever, I need to ...I miss it and the Ladies.
Work and school have pretty much consumed me.
Work is lessening and school is a new quarter this week, so I'm trying to get back in the swing of things.
Got this book via the paperbackswap . I'm hoping it will give me some ideas on how or what to do to make cycling more of interest to me in this time crunched time of my life. Six hours a week isn't much, but I think I can focus on that and incorporate my daily commute into the plan. I hope anyways.
The Tour is over as well. Yes we were watching it. Dimitrios and I miss it already. There's NOTHING good on television now. I watch all my shows via Hulu so...

On my bike ride in today I was considering what life would be like as a bike messenger. Wondering how people get into that job up in NYC (or Chicago, or any other city that has them) and also wishing that I lived in a city that embraced mass transit and commuting via bike or pedestrain instead of thinking people are insane for having/owning a car. I dislike this area so much because of it.
I think the plan to move to Portland by December 2010 needs to come into play. Or the West Coast. I just gotta figure out how.

We'll be in Denver in two weeks as of today. Not taking the bikes, but I'm sure Dimitrios is going to go with B-Man somewhere while out there.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bike Laws for each state

This is reposted from another blog I read - so before you start bitching about that cyclist in the road, make sure you even have the right to:

repost (and a big shout out to eyenot on the bikes ljay site for going through all this trouble locating this info):
Reposted from another blog:
I hope that all the users find reading this list to be as helpful, informative, entertaining, and frustrating as I found compiling it to be.

Where I could provide actual legislation, I did. Failing that, I tried to find references to articles of law. Barring that, I tried to find handbooks, guidebooks, rulebooks, and so on. Sans any of that, I at least tried to provide government website search pages with the terms already put in. And, in the rare incidences where that didn't even turn anything up, I just tried my best. In each case, I sought to provide the link to the easiest to read, most accessible, most comprehensive, or otherwise most presentable and useful description of the state's laws as I could find. Sometimes there were several things to choose from, and in several instances, there was nothing to find.

You'll notice that some of these states, perhaps even the one you live in, consider bicycles to be part of the realm of toys, children, and sugarplum gumdrop playlands. If you happen to live in one of these states that doesn't seem to take cycling seriously, or doesn't even have a specific set of laws related to cycling, I urge you to try and change that.

ALABAMA : http://mobilebike.org/alBikeLaw.htm (Pertinent articles outlined, with link to Alabama code of 1975)

ALASKA : http://www.dot.state.ak.us/stwdplng/hwysafety/assets/BikeandSafetyManual/Alaska_Laws.pdf ("Riding Lawfully in Alaska")

ARIZONA : http://azbikeclub.com/bikelaw.html (Pertinent articles outlined, with link to Arizona transportation laws of 2000)

ARKANSAS : http://www.northlittlerock.ar.gov/pdfs/Arkansas+Traffic+Rules+for+Cyclists.pdf

CALIFORNIA : http://www.dmv.ca.gov/about/bicycle.htm ("Bicycle Rules and Safety")

COLORADO : http://www.dot.state.co.us/bikeped/BikePedManual.htm ("Colorado Bicycling Manual") http://www.dot.state.co.us/bikeped/Manual/2008%2010%20Official%20Bicycling%20Laws.pdf ("Official Bicycling Laws in Colorado") ARTICLE: http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/GovRitter/GOVR/1242048570598 ("GOV. RITTER SIGNS BIKE-SAFETY, MILITARY, OTHER BILLS", May 11, 2009)

CONNECTICUT : http://www.ct.gov/dot/LIB/dot/documents/dbikes/cover_page.pdf

DELAWARE : http://www.deldot.gov/information/community_programs_and_services/bike/biking_in_delaware/de_bike_laws.shtml ("Bicycling in Delaware", provided by Delware Bicycle Council)

FLORIDA : http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/publicworks/transportation/bp/scroll.aspx?id=19510

GEORGIA : http://www.perry-ga.gov/services/police/Bicycle_Laws.htm ("Georgia Bicycle Traffic Laws", provided by government of Perry)

HAWAII : http://hawaii.gov/dot/highways/Bike/bikeplan ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Gateway", with links to body of law and handbooks)

IDAHO : http://itd.idaho.gov/bike_ped/ID_Vehicle_code_for_Bikes_05.pdf ("Vehicle Code for Bikes")

ILLINOIS : http://www.dot.il.gov/bikemap/bikehome.HTMl ("Illinois Bicycling Information", with links to body of law and guides)

INDIANA : http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/title9/ar21/ch11.html ("Chapter 11. Bicycles and Motorized Bicycles", legislation)

IOWA : http://www.iowadot.gov/iowabikes/ (multiple links page provided by Department of Transportation)

KANSAS : http://www.ksdot.org/burRail/bike/biking/KsBicyStatutes.asp ("Bicycle Statutes", Department of Transportation)

KENTUCKY : http://www.planning.kytc.ky.gov/bike_walk/from%20OSP/files/601_KAR.pdf

LOUISIANA : http://www.dotd.la.gov/planning/highway_safety/bike_ped/ ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Home") http://www.dotd.la.gov/planning/highway_safety/bike_ped/masterplan.asp ("Statewide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 2009" ... "The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (La DOTD) has begun work on an 18-month planning process which will ultimately result in a Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2009).")

MAINE : http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/29-a/title29-Asec2063.html (Maine revised statutes)

MARYLAND : http://www.sha.maryland.gov/exploremd/bicyclists/OPPE/bicyclists6.asp (links page for any cycling-related or pertinent laws, provided by State Highway Administration)

MASSACHUSETTS : http://www.amherstma.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=1538

MICHIGAN : http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(2xhp2tqe2y5iks5505se3lnl))/mileg.aspx?page=GetMCLDocument&objectname=mcl-300-1949-vi-operation-of-bicycles-motorcycles-and-toy-vehicles ("Operation of Bicycles, Motorcycles, and Toy Vehicles")

MINNESOTA : http://www.dot.state.mn.us/bike/roadrules.html (links to pertinent state statutes)

MISSISSIPPI : http://www.gomdot.com/Home/travel/bicycling/pdf/MSLaws.pdf (provided by Government of Mississippi Department of Transportation)

MISSOURI : http://www.modot.mo.gov/othertransportation/bike_ped/documents/MO_bikelaw_August05.pdf ("Missouri State Statutes Regarding Bicyclists", provided by Missouri Department of Transportation)

MONTANA : http://data.opi.state.mt.us/bills/mca_toc/61_8_6.htm (Montana Code Annotated, 2007)

NEBRASKA : http://www.legislature.ne.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=s6006317000

NEVADA : http://www.dmv.nv.gov/motorcycle.htm ("Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Bicycles", provided by Department of Motor Vehicles of Nevada)

NEW HAMPSHIRE : http://www.nh.gov/hsafety/hsbicyc.html ("New Hampshire Bicycle Laws and Safety Guidelines") http://www.nh.gov/dot/nhbikeped/safety.htm ("Bicycle / Pedestrian Information Center")

NEW JERSEY : http://www.nj.gov/transportation/commuter/bike/regulations.shtm ("Biking in New Jersey Regulations")

NEW MEXICO : http://search.state.nm.us/search?q=bicycle&access=p&as_sitesearch=&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&client=default_frontend&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&site=default_collection (search of NM.US for the term "bicycle")

NEW YORK : https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/operating/opdm/local-programs-bureau/repository/bicycle/safety-and-laws/laws.html ("Bicycling in New York State", provided by Department of Transportation)

NORTH CAROLINA : http://search.nc.gov/query.html?rq=&ht=&pw=100%25&ws=&qm=&st=&nh=&lk=&rf=&si=&qc=&qt=bicycle&col= (search of NC.GOV for the term "bicycle")

NORTH DAKOTA : http://www.nd.gov/category.htm?id=151 (this might be the law-related page of the North Dakota government website)

OHIO : http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/TransSysDev/ProgramMgt/Projects/bicycle/Bicycle%20Information%20Downloads/Bicycle%20Laws.pdf (Cycling relevant articles are highlighted in green text)

OKLAHOMA : http://www.ok.gov/search.php?q=bicycle (search of OK.GOV for the term "bicycle")

OREGON : http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/BIKEPED/laws_regs.shtml ("Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, Laws and Regulations", with links)

PENNSYLVANIA : http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Internet/Bureaus/pdBikePed.nsf/infoForward?OpenForm ("Bicycle Information Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual - Foreward", provided by Department of Transportation)

RHODE ISLAND : http://www.dot.ri.gov/bikeri/ ("Bike Rhode Island", with links to all pertinent laws)

SOUTH CAROLINA : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=bicycle+law+site%3A.gov+south+carolina&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi= (Google.com search for: bicycle law site:.gov south carolina)

SOUTH DAKOTA : http://www.sddot.com/pe/projdev/docs/BICYCLElawsforSD.pdf ("Bicycle Regulations for SD")

TENNESSEE : http://www.tntrafficsafety.org/htm/Laws/cbslaw.htm ("Child Bicycle Safety Laws")

TEXAS : http://www.sanantonio.gov/sapd/BicycleLaws.htm ("SELECTED BICYCLE LAWS FROM THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE CHAPTER 551. OPERATION OF BICYCLES, MOPEDS, AND PLAY VEHICLES SUBCHAPTER A. APPLICATION OF CHAPTER", provided by the government of San Antonio) http://www.hollywoodpark-tx.gov/StoreImages/bicyclecode.pdf ("Bicycle Laws from the Texas Transportation Code Chapter 551 Subchapter B Regulation of Operation", provided by the government of Hollywood Park)

UTAH : http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/uconowner.gf?n=55126312117091464 ("Bicycle Commuter Guide", provided by Department of Transportation, with pertinent laws on the last page)

VERMONT : http://www.vermont.gov/portal/search.php?q=bicycle+law (search of vermont.gov for the term "bicycle law", with a link to "Bicycle Comuter Guide") http://www.aot.state.vt.us/progdev/Documents/LTF/BicycleCommuterGuide/VTBicycleCommuterGuideFinal.pdf ("Bicycle Commuter Guide" provided by Agency of Transportation, with "Internet Resourses" located on page 15)

VIRGINIA : http://www.vdot.virginia.gov/programs/bk-laws.asp ("Bicycling and Walking in Virginia", with links to pertinent information)

WASHINGTON : http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/bike/laws.htm (Washington State Bicycle Laws)

WEST VIRGINIA : http://www.legis.state.wv.us/WVCODE/Code.cfm?chap=17C&art=11A

WISCONSIN : http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/safety/vehicle/bicycle/rules.htm ("Rules for Riding Bicycles on the Road", provided by Department of Transportation)

WYOMING : http://search.wy.gov/search?q=bicycle&btnG=Google+Search&access=p&entqr=0&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&ud=1&client=default_frontend&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&site=default_collection (search of WY.GOV for the term "bicycle")
("Arkansas Traffic Rules for Cyclists" provided by government of Little Rock) ("General Statutes Relating to Bicycle and Pedestrian Issues", 1999) (provided by government of Miami Beach) (Kentucky Revised Statutes) ("Massachusetts Law Pertaining to Bicyclists", provided by government of Amherst) ("Revised Statutes Chapter 60 » 60-6,317 Bicycles on roadways and bicycle paths; general rules; regulation by local authority.". legislation) ("Child Bicycle Safety Act", provided by the State Legislature)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Six Gap

Looks like Dimitrios and I will be attending Six Gap this year possibly.

I know he's definitely interested...me? I gotta check school schedule and funds to make sure I can do it/tag along...

8-9 seems to almost be better than 7-8

Need to ride more.
So decided that even though I couldn't get up early today - I would head to work 9-6 on my bike.

I've always considered that time to be the 'bad' time. People seem more on edge in their cars, even more in a rush than the 7am crowd cause most of them are usually late and the whole 'zen' of the morning traffic is just - NOT.
So I tried it today and...

It wasn't that bad. Yes, more cars passed me - but they didn't seem to be nearly as 'angry' as some usually are and they also didn't seem to mind that I was there. Traffic lights were also a bit more kind to me as well - meaning I didn't need to stop for too long and wait which I like even more.
It's a relief - and now that I know that if I can't get my booty up in the mornings (something I've been having a problem with as of late), I can actually have a relaxing morning and get ready on my time. As long as I leave by 8:20 - I'm gold!
At least until the afternoon showers come in full force. Those usually seem to happen in August, by 6pm everyday. But even still - a slight drizzle in the rain feels nice!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bi-Polar Weather in Florida ...FTL

*To the Beatles Song*

Woke Up
Got out of bed
Dragged a Comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
and looking up, I noticed I was late.

Grabbed my bike and grabbed my badge
Got ready in seconds flat....
Opened the door to sun and smiles
As I closed the door, SWOOOOOSH OF RAIN/WATER/WIND surrounds me.....

Whhhaattt...the EFFFF...


So here I sit...listening to the rain continue for the past 20 minutes now. HOPING it will stop, but knowing that my 'window of non-agresso ride time' (Meaning less cars on the road and less chance of agressive/rushed/angry drivers) is pretty much shot.
Some rain in the morning on the way in, not so bad. Torrential Downpour where I know I'll be completely drenched by the time I get to work? Not so nice.

This week has just been obstacle after obstacle of getting back on the bike. The flat on Monday...which only made me ride 4 1/2 miles..and now this. At least nothing crazy on the group ride happened yesterday and I actually got to go.

Mergh...make the bipolar weather in Florida stop...please?!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Win but Fail

Tire changing went -- well, I would think
I learned I need to practice more, so I'm going to look to start trying to do that like while I'm watching TV at night or something so I get better at it.
I also learned to carry a patch kit with you - so if you eff up the replacement tube, from...I dunno - PULLING THE PUMP off the stem (D'OH), then you can patch up the other tube and use that to ride.
Lesson(s) learned. Dimitrios will be picking me up this afternoon, as I did not have the patch kit with me, and well - the latter is what happened.
Definitely got the idea/concept of it down, will just need to practice more often so I get used to this.
For you readers that have never had to do this, I will provide you with this so you may learn how:

Flat Tire - Definitely a Monday

Got my first flat while riding to work this morning.
I have been shown how to change a flat, so I was kind of excited about doing this on the side of the road/parking lot.
Until I noticed that it's the back tire.
Which has gearing on it - and a rack and my pannier...
So, while I could do it - it might take me a little longer than I want it to (and I need to be at work).
Walked the mile and a half to work. Made it just in time as it started raining while I was in the bathroom changing.

Flat will be changed at lunch today. I'll have an hour to scratch my head, and figure out how to get everything off without screwing up the bike.
Hopefully Dimitrios might come by and show me a bit too as that would be most helpful.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From a LBS - that's not an LBS to me

I found this link to be amusing..and some of them very very true.
I'm sure other friends/cyclists that I have (and those who actually read this) will as well.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Biking Quotes I like

These will also be shown throughout this blog --

It would not be at all strange if history came to the conclusion that the perfection of the bicycle was the greatest incident of the nineteenth century. ~Author Unknown

The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine. ~John Howard

The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart. ~Iris Murdoch, The Red and the Green

When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in the Hills

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells

For instance, the bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon. ~Bill Strickland, The Quotable Cyclist

Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling. ~James E. Starrs

The bicycle had, and still has, a humane, almost classical moderation in the kind of pleasure it offers. It is the kind of machine that a Hellenistic Greek might have invented and ridden. It does no violence to our normal reactions: It does not pretend to free us from our normal environment. ~J.B. Jackson

Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. ~Mark Twain, "Taming the Bicycle"

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle. ~Ernest Hemingway

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride. ~John F. Kennedy

It is curious that with the advent of the automobile and the airplane, the bicycle is still with us. Perhaps people like the world they can see from a bike, or the air they breathe when they're out on a bike. Or they like the bicycle's simplicity and the precision with which it is made. Or because they like the feeling of being able to hurtle through air one minute, and saunter through a park the next, without leaving behind clouds of choking exhaust, without leaving behind so much as a footstep. ~Gurdon S. Leete

You never have the wind with you - either it is against you or you're having a good day. ~Daniel Behrman, The Man Who Loved Bicycles

Heat Index Over the 100's

Really makes me not want to ride.
It rained last night. The heat index is still supposed to be in the upper 100's today...therefore my lazy/heat exhaustion butt did NOT get on the bike this morning as I had planned.
Will make up for it tomorrow and Friday...
and there's the King of Evil that's going on this weekend. Maybe we'll attend that on Saturday to give us some riding stuff to do ...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thoughts on a Morning Ride....

- No Rain today = Riding the Trek in, I like riding the Trek in. She's a lot lighter and more streamline than the Miyata..maybe one day I'll get the guts to actually race.
- It's a lot less muggy this morning that it was Monday morning. Did it rain last night or something?
- Hello Mr. Cranky Confrontational White Aurora's House. I still find it very amusing that I know EXACTLY where you live should you attempt to mess with me on my ride again.
-YAAAY made the light..and got up to 26mph to do so :).
- So my 'pace' speed seems to have gone up to 19mph now. Wonder what I can do on these short rides to and from work to increase that.
- Hello Crossing Guards! :)
- Every neighborhood I've rode through this morning smells like chlorine. Did everyone get their pools cleaned last night or something?
- YAY WORK! And even got here a minute early!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Events I'm going to try to attend in the St. Pete area...

The first one I'm going to be representing 'The Skirts' so I'm pretty excited about that.
I believe there was something going on on Davis Island within the next two months as well. As soon as I get more info on that, I'll post that as well. It should be a fun/good time.
I just gotta figure out how to carry the camera and the bike all at once now :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If he can do it, why can't you?

Probably one of the busiest men on the planet right now.

He's even in JEANS..and there are a ton of mods that could be done to his bike to make it more comfortable for him.
But regardless

So...when are YOU gonna get on a bike?! *points at you*

Monday, June 1, 2009

Green Stats and Month Review

Not as much riding as I would have liked, but still in the hundreds for the month and that's what I'm aiming for until October (when I'm done with school and can focus more on riding)

Green Stats

Total Workout Days: 151
Distance Traveled: 1,727.94 mi.
Gas Saved: 96.00 gallons
Money Saved: $334.07
Carbon Offset: 1,858.5 lbs. of CO2

May 2009 Stats
Total Distance:165.73 mi. Total Calories:1,495 (kcal) Weight Change:4.0 lbs.
Average Sleep:n/a Average Morale:n/a Min. / Max.:123.0 lbs. / 127.0 lbs.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The Rain has kept the riding down a bit this past week/weekend, it seems to be leveling out, but it's now doing it's 'afternoon thunderstorms' ordeal (what it usually does in Florida this time of year). Which is ruining the riding chances 'The Skirts' are having on Tuesday evenings.
We tried to ride last night, and ended up just getting rained out/on.
It was still nice to see the ladies I ride with (hadn't seen them the week before due to schoolwork and selling the Honda), and I 'engaged'/committed myself to some 'Skirts' events that are coming up so I'm pretty excited about that.
They're also going to start doing training rides on Sunday afternoons @ 5pm. I'm going to try my best to go/attend as many of those as I can. Starting with this Sunday. It will be a 'drop' ride (meaning if I don't keep up, I off the group ride), but that's good too as I need to learn how to properly ride with a group that does that. And get my bearings when I do get lost/learn my way back to..my house or where-ever.

Rode the Miyata into work today. It's the first day I woke up and it wasn't raining in over a week. Forgot how heavy that bike is after riding the Trek during all the non-rain days. Will probably get rained on today on the way home, but that's ok. That's what the rain gear I got is for.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Title is also a link to the web-site.
Looks to be a lot of fun ...

Sadly, we won't be able to attend..but ..if anyone else can make it out, please do.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ride Schedule Change due to Inclement Weather

Pretty much my commuting schedule has changed since the rainy season has finally hit Florida.

For now on, any day (with the exception of Tuesdays as that is my dance lesson @ lunch day) that it's not raining in the morning OR I have no appointments that day....I ride in.

Will be riding the Miyata a lot more too as she has fenders.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lakeland Crit - 5/17

Dimitrios raced..and I took photos..and witnessed a pretty intense wreck. His friend, Taylor was also in the race so there are photos of him as well. Wanna see more? Well some have to be photoshopp'd/brightened, but the ones that don't you can also see on my flickr account, which is here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Vacation: Planned

This year we'll be hitting up Denver, CO for some fun with a set of really awesome friends as well.

I'm sure there will be mountain biking (Dimitrios, not myself) with B-Man and Hillary (and old friend that we'll be seeing while we're out there)...among other awesome things that hopefully also involves snow..as I want to see some.

Sweet :)

No Win for me

Just an update.
I did not win the 'Women of Trek' essay contest like I was hoping.
So, no new Trek and gear for me
And, this blog will not be read by billions anymore (if it's even read at all).

But that's ok - I'll just keep trying every year until they eventually get sick of seeing my name OR I actually do win based on the essay I write. (hee hee).

Thursday, May 7, 2009

'Resting Pace' increase

Hopped on the bike this morning and started going my usual route to work. I don't usually pay attention to speed or anything at this time as I figure it's my warm-up/resting pace or whatever. Today, I looked down though on my computer to see what it said.
I was up to 17mph and not even breathing heavy.

I can remember like a few months ago where it would kill me to be that fast. I can remember when I started biking my 'resting/getting started pace' was only 12-13mph.
So after one year of the sporadic riding that I've been doing (basically just meaning that I'm not able to ride as much as I would like cause of school etc) I have increased that much.

Ego-Boost = WIN!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bike Schwag

yes, the photo is sidways.
Yes this is my new necklace
Yes I love it.

Things that are awesome in May (so far)

* I got to ride in Tallahassee on hilly/canopy roads.
* I'm riding the Trek more.
* I have a Tuesday night group ride with "The Skirts' that I get to look forward to every week.
* Riding into work 4x a week
* Riding to friends houses if they are close from now on.
* GOT A CO-WORKER MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO RIDE INTO WORK AS WELL! His distance is way farther than mine (17 miles) and he still did it! WoO HoO! We will take over the company as cyclists! :)
* Awesome bike schwag coming in the mail left and right
* I now own a car that can hold bikes for road trips/excursions on the bike, AND she'll start reliably as well (unlike my previous car).
* Dimitrios got a mountain bike
* Turning the Storage room by the Patio into a 'Bike Room'
* Planning on doing 200+ miles on the bike this month.
* Chris and his Swine Flu awesomeness (<---).

Monday, May 4, 2009

Crash II

Riding into work.
Took a turn..really really well. I was super impressed with my turn skillz on this turn.
Then, met up with a puddle in the turn.
Bike went out from underneath me, my butt and side slide down the road.

Status: Road Rash on my inner elbow on my right side and a raspberry on my hip that hurts like a biotch.
Still got back on the bike and continued my ride though....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Stats

Since riding my bike/using Map My Ride:

Green Stats

Total Workout Days: 143
Distance Traveled: 1,587.69 mi.
Gas Saved: 88.21 gallons
Money Saved: $306.95
Carbon Offset: 1,707.6 lbs. of CO2

Now, for just April's info:
Total Distance:172.05 mi. Total Calories:609 (kcal) Weight Change:2.0 lbs.
Average Sleep:n/a Average Morale:n/a Min. / Max.:125.0 lbs. / 127.0 lbs

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Skirts Ride - 2nd time around and still awesome!

I went last night with the St. Pete Skirts on their Tuesday night ride. I really like those ladies. They've been really welcoming and really nice! If you're female and you're looking for a group of ladies who ride and DON'T leave you behind or make you feel like you're not part of the 'in' crowd..I would seriously suggest you come along for this group. They're always happy to see more ladies at the ride and hell, they put up with me and my social anxiety pretty well. Heh.

They're also going to start doing longer rides on Sunday mornings. This, I am interested in. This Sunday starts at 11am and they're planning on heading to Seminole to a friend's house for lunch. This works out for me because I can ride to St. Pete in the morning. Meet them @ 66fixed and then ride to Seminole with them and drop off when I need to head back to the house. So perfect! I can get a ride in on the weekends with a group that I enjoy riding with. Who knows...I might just actually be able to catch up to Dimitrios one day :-O!

Need to purchase a shirt from them and recruit more ladies...also we're going to try and plan on going to the Ft. Lauderdale shin-dig that 66fixed is going to be at on Memorial Day weekend. There's a velodrome down there and both of us want to check one of those out, and possibly ride in it.

Tuesday nights! Again, just the thing I need to keep going during the week! Thanks ladies!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the B-Man's house...

Wedding awesomeness was going on for me two weeks ago while we were up in Tallahassee. I was busy with the wedding, helping the bride, helping the friends who were in town for the wedding etc etc.

Meanwhile, Dimitrios was cycling galore. He got to cycle Friday, Saturday and Sunday...

Sunday, was an adventure for him.
He went mountain biking...for the first time.

Luckily, he's a freak like Brendan (meaning tall ...long legs, short torso) so some simple adjustments with one of B's 12 bikes (Yes I WROTE TWELVE) fit him perfectly. Put pedals on to accommodate his cycling shoes and viola! he's off and ready to ride.
They were gone from 10am-3pm.
When they came back, The Greek was hooked.
Now, he has been on the search for a mountain bike.
BRENDAN is helping him by getting him a frame from a friend of our's up in Tally FOR CHEAP this weekend.

Now..I have no problem with the cycling.
I do have a problem with the BIKE SHIT BEING ALL OVER THE HOUSE.

Resolution: We're turning the storage shed that's outside into a 'Work Station' and storage for Dimitrios (and myself) as I'm sure that I'm going to end up getting a mountain bike as some point as well to keep up with the boys (and from what D told me -- it was awesome and a full body workout as well, which I'm all for).
So yea..this will make...SIX bikes in my house..


Monday, April 27, 2009

12 week Goal

This is my goal
School starts this week
I start riding moreso than ever..this week.
Going to ride with the skirts tomorrow afternoon/evening and continue on to ride to work Wednesday and Thursday.
Friday is out as I will be in Tallahassee again to take care of some business...but maybe we'll do a night ride while I'm up there.
Saturday D is going to do the Chaires Ride -- I'll probably do a ride of my own on Saturday morning when they get up - just explore Tallahassee on my own as I haven't done that in awhile.
Sunday when we get back - going to ride in the morning.

Then starts the new ride schedule for work. Monday then Wednesday-Fridays ...weather permitting.
May is RIDE YOUR BIKE TO WORK Month..so that's just what I'm going to do.

This goal will continue until I get out of my second to last quarter of school - I'm going to see how much riding I can do possibly with hopefully, no interruptions.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ever see Fog roll in while you're on a ride?
It's a pretty amazing thing.
However, riding in it and getting soaked due to the moisture is a little funny feeling.
But man, was it cool to see on my ride to work this morning.

Visit to Tallahassee

The visit to Tallahassee was a sucess. We rode about 25 miles to Bradley's Country store. Took Bradfordville to Centerville Road. The canopy roads are so nice and so peaceful out there.
There's also a WHOLE bunch of road kill out there too, but that's to be expected with the woods. Even passed an owl on the side of the road.
Had one driver who was annoying to us, but other than that - everything else was fine.

I wanted to ride more, but the weekend wedding took up a good bit of my time, and after the bride said her 'I DO's' - I drank a bit more than I wanted to due to finally being able to relax as that unstressful stress of a wedding was over (meaning, it really wasn't that bad..but it was a stress at the same time).

This week is my off week from school. Wanted to ride with 'The Skirts' this week, but I was just too tired after coming back into work and getting back from vacation. Next week starts the riding again with them and I'm looking forward to that. That will definitely help motivate me during the week.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

White Oldsmobile Aurora

You have 'buzzed' me more than once on my drive home from work.
It's not necessary and it's rude and feeling your muffler exhaust ON.MY.LEG. is just too damn close.

Today - when I talk to you and tell you the laws and rules of the road (I'm allowed on the road by law and you, by law are to give me three feet distance), calling me a stupid dumb bitch and telling me you will get out of the car and beat my ass etc etc when I have not cussed at you, called you names or any other such thing...well there's a number of things...

1) Makes me feel like my life is at risk and you are a reckless driver
2) Cussing and threatening violence in front of a minor (child was in the backseat). I'm sure DCF would love to get that phone call about a man threatening to beat a woman in front of his child...I really think you might have abusive tendencies.
3) Going down your road (which happens to be the same way I go home), making a U-Turn and then going back to your run down trailer home. I now know where you live as well.

I'll be driving by your house to confirm the license plate number that I have is correct and making a phone call to the police about you. Granted, they may not do much, but who knows maybe when I tell them this is the third time this has happened and I fear for my life while driving now, maybe just maybe a police officer will visit your TRAILER WITH IT'S WOOD DOOR and you will be spoken too.

God - why do people have to be such trashy crappy disgusting people to each other. It's really just...ugh. And why do they LIVE NEAR ME.
I want to fucking burn that trailer down so badly now it's not even funny.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dear Weatherman:

While we do need the rain, I do need my ride tonight too...can we compromise somehow? Say, you stop ..like RIGHT NOW and let this place dry up a bit so I may ride?

Thanks much,

Monday, April 13, 2009


The Greek has a Trek Portland for Sale...
<-- Here is a photo:
Specs are as follows:
Details: 60cm seat tube C-T and 57.5cm effective top tube. For someone 6ft and up. Comes with the stock fenders. There are other photos of the bike on my flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/pitaphotos). You can't miss them.

Price: 850.00
Ask me if you would like more details and I'll get you in touch with the Greek of course.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

School work = NO RIDE

I've got a FINAL that's going to be due this week.
Plus assignments and a quiz that's due tonight.

Woke up this morning and just could not justify going for a ride when studying MUST/NEEDED to be done.

I'll be glad when school is done in October. Then I can really crank it up like I want to.
And hopefully won't be so tired.
Oh, and it's easter...HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Week riding plans look good though - Riding with the Skirts on Tuesday, then Riding to work Wed and Thurs. Thursday is a half day for me so I'll come home and do the final - then we're heading to Tallahassee for the wedding of the year. We'll be riding on Friday and Sunday for sure. Yessssss....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday = The Riding Begins again

Writing this as I sit here, cooling off from my first 'back into it' ride after the accident.

I did [meh] ok today. Only went about 14.75 miles. I wanted to do 20-30, but the elbow was just doing this nagging PAIN everytime I went over a bump. The stitches are out, the skin is still fresh, but I must have bruised the motha-fu***ng HELL out of the bone cause I still cannot rest it on...ANYTHING, even a pillow or let it get touched.

I was also REALLY dehydrated this morning. NOTE TO SELF HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE the night before.
I think I also have a mental fear now of drafting. Something I will have to get over, but Brendan was telling me to get in closer on Dimitrios to draft and I did for a bit, but then I would immediately get farther back. Just a little mental block. It'll pass over time.
Kept up with the boys though for a good 7 miles averaging about 18-20mph. The ride back was even easier since I didn't have any headwind (Dimitrios planned the ride that way so they should have fun coming back.
So next weekend I WILL make it to 10 miles before I turn around...the week after, I'll increase it until I get to my goal.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

St. Pete Skirts - An Awesome Tuesday night experience!

Last night, I went on a ride with the St. Pete Skirts ladies. Dimitrios's riding buddies girlfriend, Cathryn had suggested I come out and ride with them, and while she wasn't there for this ride, she said she usually is every week.

I was kind of torn between which bike to ride. I love love love my Trek, but the riding I've been doing lately (mostly commuting) hasn't really given me the opportunity to ride with her and race it up/train ride lately. Dimitrios told me that the ladies' ride didn't really seem that much like a training ride, but more like a casual/fun ride. So the Miyata was taken on this excursion.

I still wore my helmet. The other ladies didn't wear one. Probably because it wasn't like we were going at RAMMING speeds or anything like that, but now that I have fallen and didn't hit my head (just everything else). My theory is that if I don't have the helmet on, I am probably going to fall and hit nothing BUT my head since I didn't have the helmet on. So yea...helmet stays on. :-).

The ride we went on started at the 66fixed store and kept going through Snell Isle and DT St. Pete which I had never been to (the Island, not DT St. Pete). It was a really nice ride :). And the ladies were totally nice and welcoming. I'll admit I'm a little shy at first and terrified that I would speak and say something ...stupid but they didn't treat me like a retard so I must have done ok. *wink*.

We ended at a really nice barista that had THE BEST milkshake I have ever tasted (and Dimitrios..he came and checked on me after the ride to make sure I had made it ok and was having a good time).
I got up a good sweat, made some new acquaintances/friends and enjoyed myself throughly. All in all, I can safely say I think I'll be trying to come to this ride every Tuesday afternoon as it was a lot of fun and definitely something to change around the monotony of the work week.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stitches will be removed on Friday

But I'm not letting that keep me from riding!! :-) Now that I have conquered my fear of falling, tonight.. I am conquering my fear of group rides. I will be joining these lovely ladies tonight for a group ride in DT St. Pete. http://www.stpeteskirts.blogspot.com/ Full Report tomorrow :-)
Also - the day D did his Crit Race in DT Tampa, I brought my commuter. She's quite a beaut -->

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ok it's been a couple of days...so it actually looks a LOT better...I'm healing up fast (woohoo)
But here's some carnage for ya...

I'm not showing my sides or knees cause I'm pretty sure all of you know what road rash looks like...and the underneath of my arm looks like a cheese grater attacked it as well.
So yea..there ya go.  The 8 stitches RIGHT in the boniest part of your elbow.  Fun Fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day Two of the BooBoo

I called off of work yesterday. I really didn't want to use any PTO time, but my arm was killing me and I could hardly move my neck over to the left (where most of the fall was). Work is being totally cool and understanding.
Took a shit load of painkillers and slept most of the day.
Dimitrios took care of my wounds/dressings yesterday. I can do most all of them on my own, except for the elbow one. When he took that one off, it was stuck a little bit to the gauze...the slight pain from that along with painkillers and everything else made me wretch...so that was fun. I hate puking.
I hate just laying around and doing nothing...but at the same time, the little things I tried to do ended up wearing me out and hurting me so I guess it's just better to lay still.
I really need to do my quiz and my discussion stuff for class, and the teacher has left it open for me to do, but I seriously was just so tired yesterday and the day before I couldn't focus.
I'm at work now...going to try to work for the whole day...my arm just started throbbing pretty badly . And my whole torso aches. They weren't kidding when they said that I was going to be sore afterward. Guess I didn't notice it yesterday cause I was laying around. Now, I'm having to hold myself up at my desk and that alone is painful.
And be careful that my elbow doesn't hit my desk. yea..annoying/not fun.
If you're wondering where the pain is - think of where you hit your funny bone. That's where it split open and needed stitches...so yea...OW! doesn't even cut it.
I still can't believe it's still oozing after all this. I was hoping it would stop soon.
Dimitrios has been amazing. He's done all the little chores I asked him to (litter box, launder (to get the blood out of our clothes), dinner, dressing/wound care, holding my hand at night when we're sleeping (can't spoon as I can't lay on my side), he's been a real good sport about all this.
I go and see my regular doctor tomorrow so she can take a look at the stitch area and determine when they need to be removed or what have you. I also plan on asking her when I can get back on the bike. I miss it already. Cancelled my dance lesson for this week -- hopefully can start back next week on that.
I'll update tomorrow after the doc visit.

Oya, and we didn't get any photos of the carnage. LOL. We kind of wanted to, but there really wasn't a place or time for me to show and photo. D did get a photo of me walking out of the clinic all bandaged up, but I just look like a soceer player with knee stuff. HAHA.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Graceful is not my middle name

Today was D's second race day of the weekend.
The race was only 5 miles from my house. We figured we would ride our bikes there (it was in the Gateway Office Complex if any of you know where I'm talking about)
Geared up - got out the racing bike, shoes, etc.
Ride Ride Ride all is fine...a little windy - but fine.
We see the race turn coming up ahead...about 200 feet
I look down and see a twig coming right for me...
Which I went over my front wheel with - -
Which caused me to jump and loose the distance between me and D's wheel and put me at an angle right where his back wheel grabbed my front wheel and pulled it...

Tumble tumble, roll and PAIN..sharp shooting PAIN everywhere....OH GOD did it hurt.

Some biker (as in HARLEY DUDES, not cyclist) saw us while driving down the road. The man's introduced himself literally as 'Coon'. They were kind and awesome and gave us a ride to the Race to try and get me some medical attention.
CKING RACE. This is unbelievable. By then, I had stopped screaming, had regained some of my composure and was just severly shaken up...
I go to get out of the biker's truck that helped me, and then I see my elbow.
Nothing.But.Blood....blood all over my side, blood HANGING with skin on my elbow..bloodbloodblood.
Then I got sick/weak dizzy and tired.
A cop there made a makeshift icepack, bandange for me Dimitrios hauled ASS on his bike to get the car and they told me I needed to get to a ER or walk in ASAP. I needed stitches on my elbow.
So...I'm home now. The Walk-In Clinic was able to stitch me up (8 STITCHES LATER), give me a tetanus shot, took x-rays to make sure there were no fractures or bone pieces before they closed up the wound, dress my road rash on both my knees and side, and prescribe drgs and painkillers.

I'm hurting now..and the elbow feels like it's going to pop back open. Doc said it's going to turn an ungodly color tomorrow and hurt like shit for about two days. Gotta go and see them in two days to check it/make sure it heals somewhat ok. It's in an odd/crappy/bony place too..so thats going to be fun to have heal up.
Everyone has told me tomorrow is going to be worse, like a car accident. I'm going to hurt. A LOT.
I guess that's what the pain meds are for
And I asked my teacher if I could please have another day to do my quiz as right now..I just can't..I feel like crud and have road burn all over me...everything hurts.
Yea, I know...WAH WAH WAH.
Anyway..that's my excitment for the weekend. It could have been a LOT worse. And I think most of you know, this is bound to happen...you WILL fall on a bike if you take it up as a sport at some time. I just hope this is the first, LAST, and only time it happens to me.

Ok painkiller time.