Monday, July 19, 2010

Movin' on Up

Last night I became the proud owner of a PedalForce RS2 Carbon Frame...

Thanks to Ebay (and my wonderful boyfriend, who watches for these things like a hawk) I got it at a pretty sweet deal.
I am moving up in the cycling world. The cool thing?! I already have wheels, and other parts from my trek that we will just move over to this frame that I am 100% happy with (the frame on the Trek was the only thing that was holding me back so to speak)
This new frame is also a Trek is a 47. Which is, in all honesty, a little too small for me (WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT)..but it did put me in a more aggressive position for riding..and while that can be nice when you're racing, I have yet to get the urge to do any major races (Crit's for example) - I already dropped and busted my elbow/got stitches..but we'll see that could change as everything else seems to be changing as I ride the bike more day by day.

So the new dishwasher for my birthday lost to this...hell it's my birthday - who wants to buy RESPONSIBLE toys then?!

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