Friday, February 13, 2009


- Has been great this week. No ridicously cold, no humid/icky warm. I've rode into work three days out of the week (wanted to do four, but not going to beat myself up)'s been a good week.
- Dimitrios is doing a race this weekend in San Antonio. I'm pretty excited for him.
- I started riding home actually ON East Bay/Roosevelt now. Still a little scared in the mornings to try that (especially as I would have to cross three lanes of traffic in order to get into the turn lane for our street, so I'm still sticking to the sidewalk for now on Roosevelt, but I might actually try and go into the neighborhood behind the building and take the 'back way' would give me more mileage and a change of pace even :-).
- Need to work on getting over my fear of the 'group ride'. Just need to go one afternoon when he goes (or one Saturday morning) and go with the small group. He says I can keep up with them, and that they're ok to ride with. Just gotta give it a try.
- Also considering parking my car where I can no longer see it RIGHT.IN.FRONT. of my door. This way, I'll conclude to ride instead of walking all the way to my car (note - I will need to put it REALLY far) and maybe give me more incentive to do this.

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