Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st Goal: Eat Better

Not saying that I eat..BAD now..but I don't make a point of it to go 'Oh ok, I yesterday, I should probably eat some...(fill in the blank here, carbs, protien, etc).

I have always seen working out and even riding the bike at times as a happy medium.  Meaning..that because of all that activity, I can successfully eat when I want and whatever I want.  But I do think I need to focus and act better with this, cause if you keep putting 'junk' in the 'gas tank', you're not going to be at your best performance level at say... SIX GAP. 

Soooo..I started when I started riding early.  Actually, it was the day I got in the accident (oh yea, guess I need to do a post about that too, ok that will follow here with photos).  I actually ate something (a small breakfast of yogurt, a mini Cliff Bar and a banana) before I jumped on the bike to do my hour ride that morning. That was the first time I have ever ate..anything before a super early bike ride. 

I would love to say it helped me feel better, but..I have no clue as I don't remember due to the accident and concussion that occured that morning while on my ride.
But the 50 miles to Tarpon and eating something beforehand did. :) 
So it's a start, but I need to continue, and also continue into the other meals of the day ...
 I'm also reading the time crunched cyclist and it's broached the subject as well, so I have that as a guide.
And maybe I'll attempt that whole..learning to cook deal as well ;)....we'll see.

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