Sunday, March 22, 2009

Graceful is not my middle name

Today was D's second race day of the weekend.
The race was only 5 miles from my house. We figured we would ride our bikes there (it was in the Gateway Office Complex if any of you know where I'm talking about)
Geared up - got out the racing bike, shoes, etc.
Ride Ride Ride all is fine...a little windy - but fine.
We see the race turn coming up ahead...about 200 feet
I look down and see a twig coming right for me...
Which I went over my front wheel with - -
Which caused me to jump and loose the distance between me and D's wheel and put me at an angle right where his back wheel grabbed my front wheel and pulled it...

Tumble tumble, roll and shooting PAIN everywhere....OH GOD did it hurt.

Some biker (as in HARLEY DUDES, not cyclist) saw us while driving down the road. The man's introduced himself literally as 'Coon'. They were kind and awesome and gave us a ride to the Race to try and get me some medical attention.
CKING RACE. This is unbelievable. By then, I had stopped screaming, had regained some of my composure and was just severly shaken up...
I go to get out of the biker's truck that helped me, and then I see my elbow.
Nothing.But.Blood....blood all over my side, blood HANGING with skin on my elbow..bloodbloodblood.
Then I got sick/weak dizzy and tired.
A cop there made a makeshift icepack, bandange for me Dimitrios hauled ASS on his bike to get the car and they told me I needed to get to a ER or walk in ASAP. I needed stitches on my elbow.
So...I'm home now. The Walk-In Clinic was able to stitch me up (8 STITCHES LATER), give me a tetanus shot, took x-rays to make sure there were no fractures or bone pieces before they closed up the wound, dress my road rash on both my knees and side, and prescribe drgs and painkillers.

I'm hurting now..and the elbow feels like it's going to pop back open. Doc said it's going to turn an ungodly color tomorrow and hurt like shit for about two days. Gotta go and see them in two days to check it/make sure it heals somewhat ok. It's in an odd/crappy/bony place thats going to be fun to have heal up.
Everyone has told me tomorrow is going to be worse, like a car accident. I'm going to hurt. A LOT.
I guess that's what the pain meds are for
And I asked my teacher if I could please have another day to do my quiz as right now..I just can't..I feel like crud and have road burn all over me...everything hurts.
Yea, I know...WAH WAH WAH.
Anyway..that's my excitment for the weekend. It could have been a LOT worse. And I think most of you know, this is bound to WILL fall on a bike if you take it up as a sport at some time. I just hope this is the first, LAST, and only time it happens to me.

Ok painkiller time.

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