Monday, July 6, 2009

Flat Tire - Definitely a Monday

Got my first flat while riding to work this morning.
I have been shown how to change a flat, so I was kind of excited about doing this on the side of the road/parking lot.
Until I noticed that it's the back tire.
Which has gearing on it - and a rack and my pannier...
So, while I could do it - it might take me a little longer than I want it to (and I need to be at work).
Walked the mile and a half to work. Made it just in time as it started raining while I was in the bathroom changing.

Flat will be changed at lunch today. I'll have an hour to scratch my head, and figure out how to get everything off without screwing up the bike.
Hopefully Dimitrios might come by and show me a bit too as that would be most helpful.

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