Sunday, October 3, 2010

Six Gap

My training was going really really good with Six Gap - I felt pumped and I felt ready.  I still was unsure how I would do on the mountains/hills, but still - it would be worth it.

Until I got the plague the week beforehand.
Someone at work determined she no longer needed to call off when she was sick.  She came into work, and thus, infected a LOT of other people.  I got that bug.  I got it on the 17th of September.  
The Tuesday before Six Gap it seemed as if it was going away, for good.  
Wednesday morning, I woke up and it was like something happened overnight that made it 3x worse.
I was miserable....
Thursday involved an Urgent Care visit and the doc telling me I have sinusitis (sinus infection), laryngitis and acute bronchitis (meaning that due to the sickness, I have this).  Was loaded up with drugs and told to NOT do the race.
I went to Six Gap anyways.
We drove Friday night to Tallahassee and then Saturday to Gainesville, GA to stay in our hotel.
Woke up at 5am the next morning and got ready to head to the race.
The the rain started.
Torrential downpour right when we got there.  Then come to find out that the rain was going to stop for about 3 hours but then it would start right back up, if not worse than what it was, right about the time you get to 'Hogpin' gap.  Which would make that mountain more brutal than it already is. 
B-Man said 'Nope, not doing it - too hard and too evil with the rain.' ..he's been riding for years if he states he doesn't want to be miserable, then it's probably with reason.
I thought about it and decided it would not be in MY best interest to ride either.  It was cold up there in the Blue Ridge, and I had only been on 4 days worth of antibiotics..I still had the worst cough known to man and still didn't feel fully like..ME.
Just means that next year I have to do ALL 100 miles, and not just 50.
My antibiotics end tomorrow.  And I will be back in training mode for it then.

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