Friday, August 13, 2010


So while I can't read my blogs at work anymore (BOO cause that's what I did at lunch) I can read them before work...well I can read them..but not make posts..
Meaning that updates probably won't happen unless I actually get up and type in the mornings (Like I'm doing now)...
I'm depressed.  It hit around my birthday and no I don't know why.  Because of it - I have not been so ept at getting on the bike, even though it is a new bike (I've only gone on it three times in one week...wah).  I was hoping to knock that out today with the weather being nice, but that didn't happen.  So training is going to start again TOMORROW and I will be biking both days this weekend to make up for it.   It will pass eventually like it always does when it hits...and I have been DYING to take a PTO day and be depressed, but I really just don't have time right now.

I committed to doing Six Gap, meaning I registered for it - so I've GOT TO DO THIS TRAINING NOW.

Sharon is moving out today :('s bittersweet.  I am going to miss having one of my BFF's right across the hall (D doesn't get the talky talky thing as often as her and I do after work on the weekdays, etc ) but at the same time - I'm GETTING MY OLD ROOM BACK and can start SEWING AGAIN.  So like I said - bitter sweet.  The kitties are also going to miss having her stuff to des---- I mean sleep on :P.a
Dimitrios is having a guys night tonight.  I get the house COMPLETELY TO MYSELF tonight for a few hours.  I have not had that in ...well 8 months for sure ..I should do something crazy like drink a bottle of wine and run around naked, but instead I am going to crash out no later than 10 so I get my ass up in the morning for a ride.  Like I said - gotta go back to the TEAM SKINNY DEDICATION.

Hope everyone else is swimming along ok.

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