Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday = The Riding Begins again

Writing this as I sit here, cooling off from my first 'back into it' ride after the accident.

I did [meh] ok today. Only went about 14.75 miles. I wanted to do 20-30, but the elbow was just doing this nagging PAIN everytime I went over a bump. The stitches are out, the skin is still fresh, but I must have bruised the motha-fu***ng HELL out of the bone cause I still cannot rest it on...ANYTHING, even a pillow or let it get touched.

I was also REALLY dehydrated this morning. NOTE TO SELF HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE the night before.
I think I also have a mental fear now of drafting. Something I will have to get over, but Brendan was telling me to get in closer on Dimitrios to draft and I did for a bit, but then I would immediately get farther back. Just a little mental block. It'll pass over time.
Kept up with the boys though for a good 7 miles averaging about 18-20mph. The ride back was even easier since I didn't have any headwind (Dimitrios planned the ride that way so they should have fun coming back.
So next weekend I WILL make it to 10 miles before I turn around...the week after, I'll increase it until I get to my goal.

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